FAQs. (Facelift Procedure)

A traditional facelift entails your surgeon lifting and tightening the underlying muscles of the face. This way, they create more aesthetically pleasing facial contours. 

The surgeons then remove excess fat pockets and skin, significant contributors to the tired-looking aged appearance. Once the facelift is completed, it leaves the patient with a much tighter and young-looking face.

Facelifts have been the go-to plastic surgery since 1901. In the past, however, they involved stretching the skin to achieve the younger rejuvenated look. As medical research advanced, better techniques have been used instead. About 100,000 people annually undergo facelifts making it the sixth most common plastic surgery.

A facelift is a minor surgery performed as an outpatient procedure where the patient can go home afterward. The surgery usually takes about three hours, while the anesthesia takes two hours to wear off.

All surgeries have inherent risks. It is vital to choose your plastic surgeon wisely. Before the surgery is done, a well-experienced surgeon will take you through a private consultation. They ascertain any underlying health risks you might have to prevent a safe surgery. The surgeon also explains any risks that result from the facelift to make an informed decision if the risks are worth it.

Immediately after the surgery is carried out, one is left with bruising and swelling. This is because, on the first postoperative day, the surgeon removes the headwrap placed at the time of surgery and the drain used to remove the leaky fluid.

Swelling then picks extensively on the third day but gradually reduces with time. On the seventh day, the doctor removes sutures; though the incisions from the surgery are noticeable, you can hide them using hair or a hat. By the seventh day, most of the swelling is usually gone.

You can easily hide the scars using hair and a hat or opt for makeup. You should, however, consult your physician first to get a go-ahead on the correct type of makeup.

A facelift is a typical reference to your youthful picture. Symbolizing how you’d look If you remained “forever young.”

The results of a facelift are much dependent on the expertise of your go-to surgeon. However, a typical facelift doesn’t make your skin look stretched. In the beginning, facial plastic surgery mostly entailed pulling back and trimming excess skin, then closing the incisions. 

Modern plastic surgery has, however, advanced tremendously. Today, plastic surgery services in Dubai uses sophisticated lifting and tightening underlying muscles and restoring lost volume for a more natural-looking outcome.

A traditional full-facelift addresses all the aspects of a typical facelift, i.e., the surgeon addresses the creases below your eyes and frown lines around your mouth.

In comparison, a mini-facelift is a modified version of the traditional facelift. The surgeon typically focuses on the loose skin around the neck and jawline. 

The incisions for a traditional facelift are usually deeper compared to a mini-facelift. The facelift procedure involves small incisions, and the recovery time is relatively short. This is because mini-facelift targets a pretty small area.

You will have to consult your physician to determine the best procedure suited for your skin.

Facelifts are not for everyone. Despite them being so individualistic, your health matters most. During your consultation, your doctor will gauge whether you qualify for a facelift or not. Typically a good candidate for a facelift includes:

  • People with a realistic outlook on the final results.
  • People with no underlying complicated medical issues.
  • People who do not smoke.

If you fit this category, you are eligible to contact Dr. Tarek aesthetics for a facelift in Dubai. Here you are assured of receiving top-notch services and care while revamping your entire outlook.

A facelift is a procedure that typically lasts forever.  As much as the aging process continues, you will always look younger than if you never had a facelift. Facelifts slow down the aging process. It takes away the years off your face and allows you to age gracefully.

FAQs (Rhinoplasty Surgery)

A nose job or rhinoplasty can be both a cosmetic and reconstructive procedure. Should you want to have a nose job for your aesthetic concerns, you can get some of the best cosmetic surgeons in Dubai to handle it for you, ultimately boosting your self-confidence. 

You can also get rhinoplasty as a reconstructive treatment if you need to address its functional or breathing components. Regardless of the reason for getting a nose job, ensure that you get it only from the best rhinoplasty surgeons near you.

Rhinoplasty surgery in Dubai can make your nose smaller or get you a preferred size and shape. Our surgeons at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics will address other factors like the nasal tip and nasal bones to get you a natural and balanced appearance.

You’re an ideal rhinoplasty candidate if you are healthy and with an adult size nose. Girls from 13 years and boys from 15 years are physically old enough for rhinoplasty. There isn’t a cut-off age for people that want to get a nose job. 

There are cases of 70 – 80-year-olds getting rhinoplasty with minimal to no complications. The ideal age for getting a nose job is between 20 and 40. During this time, your facial skin is quite elastic and can easily accommodate surgery without complications.

The goal for every cosmetic surgery at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics is to achieve a very natural appearance – such that no one can even tell you underwent surgery. Your surgeon will meticulously blend all the elements to bring harmony to the overall appearance of your nose.

Rhinoplasty is also used for reconstructive measures to help you achieve optimal functionalities of your nose. This surgery can be used to significantly improve your breathing by opening up your nasal airways, hence boosting airflow. 

An experienced rhinoplasty surgeon will carefully examine each portion of the complex nasal airways and specifically address each of the elements to give you the results that you desire.

You will not feel pain during rhinoplasty surgery as you will be under anesthesia. However, slight pain, discomfort, swelling, bruising, and bleeding may be experienced after the surgery. This is normal and you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Your surgeon will prescribe some medication to control all those issues making your recovery journey smooth.

Almost all rhinoplasty surgeries are outpatient — this means that you simply come for the surgery and head back home the same day. There are very few cases (rare) that a patient may have to be admitted to the hospital. Nevertheless, you should plan for someone to take you back home after the surgery after your appointment.

Your surgeon will present to you the different kinds of anesthesia available. However, in most cases, most patients are usually placed under general anesthesia. This means that they are heavily sedated and usually asleep during the entire procedure. This leaves no room for discomfort or anxiety during the surgery.

A rhinoplasty surgery doesn’t take long — usually approximately one hour. However, it might take a little longer depending on the condition and complexity of your situation. Your surgeon will be able to take you through all that you may expect during your initial consultation, including how long the surgery will take. This will help you plan your time accordingly.

You may or may not experience bruising after rhinoplasty surgery. The outcome of the surgery depends on your skin condition or your genetic history. There are people that can easily bruise while others do not experience it. Fortunately, should you experience bruising, it should resolve within approximately 10 days after the surgery.

FAQs (Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery)

You are a good candidate for blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery if you are a healthy person but with: 

  • Sagging upper eyelids that are also hanging over your eyes
  • Excess skin or wrinkles in the lower eyelids
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Droopy lower eyelids
  • Excess skin in the upper eyelid that impairs vision.

An incision is made across the eyelid and excess skin and fat are removed during an upper blepharoplasty. During a lower blepharoplasty surgery, an incision is made on the inside of the lower eyelids or outside just beneath the lashes, where excess skin and fat is removed. In both cases, droopy eyes are corrected giving you a better, youthful look.

You will not have visible scars after an eyelid surgery as the incisions are hidden in the natural folds of the eyelids. They are can be found on the inside of the lower lid or on the lower lash line. In fact, these ones are only slightly visible to you right after the surgery, but will eventually become undetectable once you heal.

You will most likely be under local anesthesia for blepharoplasty surgery. This means you will be fully awake and aware of everything that’s going on. However, you will not experience any pain during the procedure as the target area will be numbed. 

Some patients may prefer to be under general anesthesia which entails you being heavily sedated. You will be asleep and not responsive to any outside stimulus. Once you wake up, the procedure will have been done already. 

Your blepharoplasty surgeon in Dubai will take you through all the available anesthesia options and they will guide you on the best one for you.

Blepharoplasty does not fix issues with the eyebrows. Should you need to have sagging eyebrows fixed, your surgeon will take you through other treatments that you may consider, such as a brow lift. Ensure to let your doctor know of your expectations during your initial consultation.

You can seamlessly wear your contact lenses after you have healed from your blepharoplasty surgery. The best blepharoplasty surgeons in Dubai recommend you wait at least two weeks before putting on your contact lenses again.

You will not lose your vision but it will be a little blurry immediately after surgery. This is due to the swelling of the cornea and the effect of eye lubricants that your doctor will provide. Either way, you should be able to regain your full vision within a few days. 

It is recommended that you do not strain your eyes so much during your recovery process as it might only make it longer. Limit your time reading and also in front of electronic devices like computers, smartphones, and TVs, or as directed by your surgeon.

Blepharoplasty results are long-lasting. However, some factors that affect skin elasticity may reverse these results, including the aging process, response to the environment, and sunlight.

Do you want to get eyelid surgery? Do not go through all the hassle trying to find the right doctor as we have some of the best blepharoplasty surgeons in the UAE. Book an appointment with eyelid surgery experts at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics and we will discuss all your needs. We will take you through the entire process and we’ll also be happy to respond to all your concerns.

FAQs (Otoplasty Surgery)

The biggest motivation for otoplasty is more or less psychological. Some people may not like how their ears look and will seek otoplasty to correct certain flaws. Those with overly prominent ears or those whose ears are disproportionate to other facial features are the biggest benefactors of otoplasty. 

Some patients prefer to get otoplasty due to an injury or a previous surgery. Regardless of your reasons, the bottom line is that otoplasty in Dubai will give you better-looking and symmetrical ears.

Technically, there isn’t an age limit for otoplasty candidates as long as the ears are fully developed. Children as young as 4 or 5 years can also get otoplasty as their ears are usually developed by this time. 

However, the parents must first consult with some of the best otoplasty surgeons in Dubai to help them determine whether their children are ideal candidates for otoplasty. On the other hand, any healthy adult can get otoplasty done, regardless of age.

Otoplasty surgery takes about an hour for each ear. However, the time taken for the surgery might differ from one patient to another. The complexity of the issue also matters. Your surgeon will let you know how long your surgery might take during your initial consultation to help you plan yourself accordingly.

There is no pain experienced during the procedure whenever you get otoplasty surgery. This is because you will be under anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used depends on your doctor, your preferences, and the complexity of the situation.

In most cases, otoplasty in Dubai requires one to be under general anesthesia where the patient is asleep and unable to respond to external stimuli. You will be awake after the procedure is done. Alternatively, you may be put under local anesthesia, which means the target area is numbed, but you will be awake during the entire procedure. 

Your doctor will also advise you on the best type of anesthesia for you.

Your doctor will advise you whether to fast or not. This mostly depends on the type of anesthesia that will be used on you. For instance, if getting general anesthesia, you may be advised to fast for some time. This assists in preventing you from feeling nausea once the drugs are introduced into your body.

Otoplasty only focuses on the visible structure of your ear, also known as the outer ear. This is mostly done for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. This procedure does not interfere with your inner ear, meaning it is not likely to affect your hearing.

Any surgical procedure that involves incisions has the risk of leaving scars behind. However, skilled otoplasty surgeons in Dubai utilize techniques that minimize scarring as much as possible. Moreover, they also strive to disguise the scars, meaning no one would notice that you recently underwent otoplasty. 

One popular method is by making incisions behind the ear. This means that they remain hidden within the natural folds and creases of the ear. Incisions within the earlobe are also not uncommon.

Most otoplasty patients are able to see the results within a few weeks. Whereas the results of most cosmetic surgeries might take months to notice, some patients can realize results from otoplasty in as early as two weeks.

Your ear is one of the most prominent parts of your body. Should you need to alter its appearance, you will need an experienced, licensed, and accredited cosmetic ear surgeon. You need not go through all the hassle looking for one as some of the best otoplasty surgeons in Dubai are ready to serve you at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics. Book your appointment today and explore a new world of rebuilt confidence.

FAQs (Double chin liposuction in Dubai)

Many healthy candidates looking to get rid of the double chin and jowls qualify for liposuction. Liposuction surgeons in Dubai, however, set specific standards for potential candidates. They include:

  • Good physical health
  • Good skin elasticity and fat deposits are disproportionate to the rest of the body.

If you happen to be old or overweight, your skin tends to be looser than younger and leaner candidates. However, this doesn’t discredit your candidacy. The surgeons will perform a skin removal procedure on top of the liposuction.

A double chin procedure is generally painless as you will be under anesthesia. However, some patients have reported minor or minimal pains during the first few days after the surgery. This often lasts for about a week. Your surgeon will prescribe some painkillers to help you get through the pain, making your recovery process as comfortable as possible.

Surgeons can easily combine other medical methods with double chin liposuction, such as; neck-lift, neck reduction surgery, and mesotherapy. However, you may only combine two procedures to achieve satisfactory and desired results.

A plastic surgeon usually performs double chin liposuction. He inserts a small tube called a cannula in different chin areas. He then gently sucks small and strategic amounts of fats from each location resulting in a smoother, more even look with a reduced-fat under the chin.

The surgeon makes small incisions under the chin and liposuction on the neck. He will make incisions behind the ear and underneath the chin for a neck lift. He then removes excess skin and tightens the neck muscles.

Double chin liposuction is known to remove fat cells permanently. It improves the facial contours and deals with the double chin. However, you will be requested to ensure that you maintain a stable weight. If not, the fat will grow back and ruin the reconstructed neck.

The following are the benefits of liposuction. 

  • Liposuction eliminates double chin.
  • It enhances the jawline. This is achieved by performing a chin lip sculpture, making the jawline appear more defined.
  • It reduces the fat in the neck, creating a smooth transition from the neck to the jawline.

Liposuction is generally considered a simple minor surgery. Even though this is the case, complications might arise during double chin surgery.

The following are the most common complications that might arise.

  • Undertreatment: At times, patients go through undertreatment. It occurs when the surgery does not clear the double chin or improve the jawline’s definition. A patient needs to undergo surgery to get the desired results. 
  • Overtreatment: Other times, the surgery causes an irregularity on the skin called skin dimpling. This occurs when the skin attaches itself to the underlying muscles.
  • Seroma: A seroma, a collection of fluid that develops in the body, can form after submental liposuction.

The complications mentioned above can occur if an inexperienced surgeon performs subliminal liposuction. Having your double chin liposuction in Dubai from experienced surgeons like Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, you can minimize the risk of complications.

Technological advancement in medicine has brought forth many nonsurgical alternatives to double chin liposuction. These procedures allow patients to improve the appearance of the chin without requiring a patient to go under the knife. The treatments are more affordable than double chin surgery while delivering temporary results.

A less invasive method of removing unwanted fat under your chin is making use of kybella and cool sculpting treatments. These treatments usually take multiple sessions, but their results are less visible.

They’re injectable treatments for extra fat at the chin. The gallbladder makes use of deoxycholic acid to dissolve healthy fat. When this fat is injected underneath the pores and skin, it melts fat cells on the injection location then the body reabsorbs it. Nearby anesthetics are implemented to the region earlier than remedy with Kybella. But, side effects can occur with this nonsurgical alternative. They include pain, swelling, bruising, redness, and numbness.

FAQs ( Fat Transfer Surgery )

Fat grafting is typically the transfer of fat from one body area to another. The grafted fat cosmetically smoothes out wrinkles and lines in the skin. 

Surgeons usually use the procedure to fill in depressions caused by atrophic scarring or any other defect. The process involves volumizing the areas that might have deflated over time and plumping out areas that may need more projection.

There are many myths surrounding cosmetic surgeries. However, fat grafting does work. Your surgeon’s expertise is the most important aspect. Gentle handling of the fat is paramount as they are living tissues.

If the fat fails to graft, the failure can be traced to either improper placement or using a big volume of fat to graft. Your surgeon should ensure they place small, incremental portions so that they maximize your body’s ability to develop the requisite blood supply for the fat grafts.

If you are healthy and maintain your ideal weight, you qualify for fat grafting. At times you may experience a deflation on your skin over time or would wish to enhance the volume on certain areas of your body. The surgeon will test whether you have good fat at the donor site. He will then harvest and inject it into the desired location.

The ideal candidate is very optimistic and has a realistic expectation of fat grafting and what it can do for them. The only way to know whether the fat transfer is appropriate for you is to book a consultation with some of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai. Dr. Tarek will assess your medical history and determine the potential donor sites, and he will give an okay on the area to receive the fat graft.

The fat grafting surgery mostly takes a maximum of five hours. However, the time taken depends on the area where the fat will be harvested and grafted. One hour is enough for grafting if the fat is transferred to the face. Other parts, such as the buttocks, take longer because the surgeon incorporates liposuction.

Most cosmetic surgeries aren’t considered permanent. However, if you maintain an ideal weight, the cosmetic results may last many years. This also depends on how your body responds to the fat transfer. 

Sometimes, some complications may occur where the body tissues reabsorb the fat cells. This will mean that your body needs multiple treatments. In most cases, your plastic surgeons provide you with the estimated time frame as to how long the fat grafting will last, and this is all dependent on the type of treatment.

The body area you intend to have treated is the major determinant of the amount of fat needed for the fat transfer. The doctor will check if you have enough fat in your body. The more body fat you have, the easier it will be for your surgeon to harvest the fat cells for grafting. On the other hand, if your body lacks fat, your surgeon may suggest taking steps to gain weight to make the procedure possible.

FAQs ( Breast Augmentation )

Technically any female adults are eligible for breast implants. You must be 18 and over for saline implants and at least 22 years to get silicone implants. Most of the women that get breast implants are in their 30s. 

There are still many that are above 50 years that get breast augmentation in Dubai. Regardless of where you are in your life’s journey and are interested in breast implants, be sure to book your appointment, and we will discuss your options.

Depending on your preferences, your surgeon can conduct breast augmentation surgery with local anesthesia. This means that the surgery goes on while the patient is awake. The surgical area is numbed, and you’ll only have to bear with the initial injections as the numbing agent is introduced into your body

It is common for there to be changes in nipple sensitivity immediately after a breast augmentation surgery. Some patients will realize increased sensitivity, while others experience reduced sensitivity. This is pretty normal as the surgery generally stretches breast tissues which include a number of nerves. Fortunately, the body adjusts to normalcy, and you’ll get your normal nipple sensitivity once you’re healed.

Breast augmentation surgery lasts for around an hour or two. This is generally an outpatient procedure where the patient goes home after the surgery. Since breast augmentation is a major surgery, you’ll have to be put under anesthesia.

Although breast implants don’t technically expire, they are not designed to last a lifetime. Most silicone or saline breast implants only last for about 10 to 20 years before they need to be replaced.

Breast implants do not affect pregnancy. However, hormonal changes during pregnancy may alter how your breasts appear. Nevertheless, breast implants will not prevent you from getting pregnant or even breastfeeding. If not satisfied with how your breasts look like postpartum, you can reach out to our cosmetic surgeons and they will advise on the best course of action to get your aesthetic desires.

Women can get a breast augmentation at any point in life. However, if you plan on getting pregnant soon (ideally within the next 12 months), it would be a good idea to hold off getting breast implants for now.

FAQS (Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation)

Fat transfer breast augmentation, also known as fat grafting, is a natural alternative to breast implants, using a person’s fat from other body areas to enhance breast size and shape.

The procedure involves extracting excess fat from donor areas (like the abdomen or thighs) through liposuction, processing the fat, and injecting it into the breasts to achieve the desired volume.

The benefits include a more natural look and feel, no risk of implant-related complications, minimal scarring, and the added benefit of body contouring from liposuction.

While the body reabsorbs some fat, the remaining fat becomes a permanent part of the breasts, offering long-lasting results. Touch-up procedures may be needed over time.

Suitable candidates should have enough excess fat for transfer, realistic expectations, good overall health, and not desire a significant increase in breast size. Consultation with a plastic surgeon is crucial to determine candidacy.

FAQs ( Breast Implants )

Depending on the individual and the specific procedure, recovery time can vary. Most surgical patients can return to work and daily activities within one to two weeks.

In most cases, yes. However, discussing this with your surgeon before the procedure is essential, as specific surgical techniques may impact breastfeeding ability.

Most breast implants do not require replacement. This may occur for various reasons, including issues, physical changes, or individual preferences.

Breast augmentation costs depend on your location, surgeon’s fees, and implant kind. It’s essential to discuss costs with your surgeon during your consultation.

Many surgeons offer “sizers” or 3D imaging technology to help patients visualize the potential results of various implant sizes. This can be a valuable tool in determining the best size for your goals.

FAQs ( Breast Reduction Surgery )

All surgeries carry the risk of complications. However, breast reduction surgery in itself is typically very safe with little to no room for complications. Some of the rare but reported risks may include scarring, loss of nipple sensitivity, and infections. 

Regardless, it would be prudent to have only the best breast reduction surgeons in Dubai take care of you so as to avoid certain risks.

Changes in nipple sensations are typical for every breast-related surgery. Fortunately, these changes only happen for some time until the patient heals, when they regain full nipple sensitivity.

Anesthesia is administered during the surgery, meaning you will not experience any pain during the procedure. However, you may feel soreness and some irritations along the surgery lines which may last two to four days after the surgery.

Your doctor will prescribe some medication to control the pain and swelling. You will also be given further instructions on how to take care of yourself during your recovery journey. Should the pain, irritations, or soreness become unbearable many days after the surgery, you should contact your caregiver immediately.

Experienced breast reduction surgeons in Dubai recommend for women to get breast reduction surgery when the breasts are fully developed. Typically, this means that they should be at least 18 years. However, breast reduction may be performed sooner due to various medical concerns.

Are the results from breast reduction surgery permanent?

The results from a breast reduction surgery are permanent. However, they can easily get reversed when you undergo significant weight gain or when pregnant.

Most patients are able to return to their normal work activities a few days after the procedure. However, if you partake in physically strenuous work, it would be ideal to wait a little longer. Exercising and sexual activities should be limited for at least two weeks after the surgery.

Scarring is an inevitable result of any invasive surgery. However, when you get the procedure done by the best breast reduction plastic surgeons in Dubai, you may not have to worry so much about them. This is because experienced surgeons use techniques that easily conceal the incision lines. 

For instance, the incision will be made around the areola and along the base of the breast. Nevertheless, scarring also depends on the patient. Some have scars that fade into thin white lines while others remain remain red and raised for longer periods.

Breasts undergo certain changes in size and shape during pregnancy. If you plan on getting pregnant any time in the near future, it would be advisable to consult with your doctor first. 

They will be better placed to advise based on the results that you seek from the procedure, how complex the surgery is, among other factors. As a rule of thumb, consult with your breast reduction surgeon first before making a decision.

You will be given a surgical bra to wear for a few weeks after your surgery. You will be advised on when it is safe enough for you to wear a normal bra, but this usually happens after at least 3 months when you no longer have any swelling or soreness to worry about.

FAQs (Breast Lift )

Your plastic surgeon will advise on the best procedure to help you achieve your aesthetic desires. However, if you like the size of your breasts but they droop or sag when you remove them from the bra, a breast lift would be ideal for you. 

If you feel like your breasts are too small, then an augmentation may be ideal for you. Some patients may need both. All these can be determined during a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

During your first consultation, our breast lift surgeon in Dubai will discuss your goals, get to know you better, determine your motivation for getting the surgery, and also determine your candidacy for the procedure. 

You will also be shown your projected results should you go ahead with the procedure to help you be mentally prepared for the possible outcome. You will also be told what to expect in regards to scarring and recovery.

A good candidate for a breast lift surgery in Dubai should be healthy and has been approved for surgery. Their breasts should have been fully developed and the patient should be well-aware of their goals and have realistic expectations. Your surgeon may require you to undergo cancer screening before they can approve you for surgery.

You should be ready to spend at least 5 hours at the surgical clinic on the day of your breast lift surgery. The procedure takes approximately 3 hours while the rest of the time is spent on anesthesia and preparing you.

Our breast lift surgeons in Dubai often use general anesthesia. IV sedation is popular when performing a breast lift surgery. During the procedure, you will be asleep and won’t be responsive to outside stimuli, meaning you won’t experience any pain. You will wake up when the procedure is already over.

You will require someone to take you back home after the surgery as you will have undergone anesthesia. You should plan to take at least 3 days off work and while some patients may experience minimal pain and discomfort, it is still advisable to take some rest after a surgical procedure. 

You will be given a compression garment to wear for at least six weeks, during which you will be barred from partaking in any strenuous physical activities like exercising. Drain tubes are unnecessary after a breast lift surgery at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics.

Breast lift surgery does not alter your ability to breast feed. There are patients that got pregnant after their surgeries and did not experience any problems breastfeeding. However, to avoid any unforeseen complications, breast lift surgeons recommend that you hold off the procedure if planning to get pregnant at least within the year.

Like with any other invasive surgical procedure, scarring is inevitable. However, highly experienced plastic surgeons at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics use techniques that make the scars less conspicuous. Moreover, the scars tend to fade off over the years and they will be virtually invisible.

FAQs (Tummy Tuck Surgery)

The results of tummy tuck treatment should be long-lasting, as long as you avoid significant weight gain and pregnancy after the procedure. Gaining weight or pregnancy will stretch out the rectus muscles and skin, ultimately undoing the results of the surgery.

The cost of tummy tuck in Dubai depends on the procedure done.

Although there isn’t an exact pricing structure, there are a few things that might influence the total billable amount. For starters, the location of the clinic might influence the cost of tummy tuck in Dubai. Some places are generally more expensive than others. 

The expertise of the doctor also comes into play. A more experienced doctor will charge more than an amateur. Nevertheless, a tummy tuck is an invasive surgery, do not sacrifice the outcome by looking for ‘cheap’ options.

Get your tummy tuck quote from Dr. Tarek Aesthetics today and enjoy the best and one of the most affordable tummy tuck treatments in Dubai.

Anyone can get a tummy tuck as long as you’re an adult. In most cases, those above 20 are the biggest benefactors of tummy tuck treatment. Consequently, you’re an ideal candidate if you have excessive abdominal body mass.

The biggest advantage of a tummy tuck is to give one a better contoured and flat tummy, free of sagging skin and excess fat. You get a firm and toned belly after the procedure. Some of the other benefits associated with tummy tuck treatment are: 

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Help you appear more beautiful and youthful in swimsuits
  • Decreases the overall size of your stomach
  • Helps fight against scars caused by C-section

A tummy tuck isn’t painful as you’ll be under anesthesia. Being a surgical procedure, you should expect some discomfort within the first few days. Fortunately, it is all manageable, and patients have only reported mild to moderate pain during the recovery period. Your doctor will prescribe painkillers to help manage the pain during the recovery phase, so you shouldn’t worry much about the pain.

Selecting the best tummy tuck surgeon in Dubai is not difficult, as long you consider the following: 

  • License and certification: Is the surgeon licensed and certified to conduct tummy tucks by a reputable body? 
  • Experience and expertise: How many years of experience does that doctor have? How many surgeries have they conducted?
  • Before and after case studies: Most (if not all) reputable cosmetic surgeons will always have images of the results of their work compared to the initial condition. You can request to have a look at tummy tuck before and after pictures from your doctor.
  • Clarity on possible outcome: Your doctor should be able to be clear about the right tummy tuck procedure for you (if at all you’re a candidate). Also, they should provide you with realistic expectations and honest feedback. 

There are many other factors to look into, like the state of the clinic, customer reviews, customer service, professionalism, and comfort. Being a major surgical procedure, you have to ensure that you only get tummy tuck treatment from the best tummy tuck doctors in Dubai. 

Fortunately, you have all you’re looking for in the best tummy tuck clinic in Dubai at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics. Be sure to book an appointment today and discover a better-looking, youthful body.

FAQs (Arm Lift – Brachioplasty Surgery)

The best candidate for an arm lift surgery is someone who is physically healthy and cleared for surgery, and has a significant amount of excess skin on their forearms. This is mostly a result of a considerable weight loss.

During an arm lift — also known as Brachioplasty — excess fat and skin are removed in the areas between your armpit and elbow. Your doctor makes several incisions on the back or on the inside of your arm. This is done in a bid to pull back your skin over the incision area while tightening the tissue of your arm.

Following your Brachioplasty procedure, your arm may be wrapped in elastic bandages to minimize swelling. Tubes might also be placed in your arm to drain any excess fluids. Some stitches will dissolve on their own, but talk to your Mercy doctor to see if others will need to be removed manually.

Scarring is inevitable for any invasive surgery. Unlike most other plastic surgeries performed at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, your arm is pretty much plain limiting your surgeon to how they can conceal the incisions. This means that you will have visible scarring after your surgery. 

Fortunately, these scars gradually fade off and blend with your skin color. However, it would be prudent to note that different patients scar differently, and how yours will turn out will depend on a number of issues, such as your skin type and genetics. Be sure to discuss scarring with your surgeon during the initial consultation to get a clearer picture.

The amount of skin removed is determined by how much excess skin there is. Your surgeon will discuss this with you during your initial consultation. You will be told how much skin can be realistically removed from your body and how the final results may look like. Removing too much skin puts tension on the incision and may result in separating the skin edges.

Although the skin is pulled tight during the surgery, it will loosen up once it begins to heal. Much of this is attributed to the skin elasticity which comes as a result of weight loss or gain that the patient may have gone through.

The answer to this question depends on how much excess skin and fat are to be removed. Your doctor will examine your body during your initial consultation and recommend other treatments should you need some work done on some other parts of your body.

Before the surgery, you will be required to undergo some tests to determine your candidacy for the surgery. Afterward, your doctor will advise you to stop taking certain medication some time before the surgery. 

Moreover, if you are a regular drinker or smoker, you will have to put that on hold a few days before the procedure, or as advised by your doctor. Consequently, it would be prudent to have someone that will take you back home after the surgery as you may not be in pristine condition to drive yourself back home.

Most people that undertake Brachioplasty in Dubai take about 7-10 days away from work. However, if they need to go back to more strenuous activities that involve the arm, a minimum of three weeks off is highly recommended. 

However, you should consult with your surgeon before undertaking any of such physical activities. Nevertheless, there may be some degree of swelling and stiffness that may occur during this period.

FAQs (Liposuction)

Liposuction is a generally safe surgical procedure. Only certified cosmetic surgeons that have undergone extensive education can offer liposuction. However, just like with all other forms of surgery, liposuction may have its risks, which your surgeon will share with you during your initial consultation.

It is best to conduct your own research before settling on a particular lipo surgeon. One of the easiest ways would be to Google “ liposuction surgery near me” or ‘best liposuction surgeon in Dubai’. 

You can do your due diligence with the list of options that you get, considering experience, location, cost, and testimonials. If looking for the best liposuction surgeon in Dubai, you need not go through all the hassle as Dr. Tarek Aesthetics comes highly recommended.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure and just like any other, there is expected pain and discomfort for the first few days. Most lipo patients have reported feeling pain for only the first three to four days post-operation. This pain subsides fast as time goes by. However, your surgeon will prescribe pain-relieving medicine to manage the pain. Any lingering discomfort can also be easily managed.

Depending on the treated area, most patients are able to see the results from their lipo surgery between 1 and 3 months after the procedure.

Liposuction does not offer permanent results. Just because the process involves removing fat cells from the body, it doesn’t mean that they cannot come back. The best way to keep the results from your liposuction procedure for longer is to maintain a healthy weight through proper dieting and exercise.

If you are deemed an ideal candidate for liposuction, your surgeon will take you through some ways to prepare yourself for the surgery. For starters, you’ll be asked to quit smoking as it may prolong and inhibit healing. 

You’ll also have to stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs and other supplements that may risk an increase in bleeding. Moreover, if you’re currently under any medication, your doctor may recommend that you stop taking them or prescribe alternatives.

Most lumps will disappear within six months as you advance. If you experience bumps after six months, you need to address them with your plastic surgeon, who may need to remove them

Plastic surgeons recommend sleeping on your back during the first three weeks after liposuction. Sleeping on your back helps to ease the pressure exerted on the incisions.

You may experience swelling after liposuction from a period of six months to one year. The areas with minor swelling may resolve in a few months, while the more complicated areas could last a year. At this time, you can already see the surgical procedure results.

FAQs (Vaser Liposuction)

Vaser Liposuction re­presents a body contouring method that is minimally invasive­. By employing ultrasound technology, this procedure­ effectively bre­aks down fat cells within the body and subseque­ntly eliminates them.

Vaser Liposuction allows for more precise sculpting, causes less bruising and swelling, and has quicker recovery times than traditional liposuction. It can also stimulate collagen production, leading to skin tightening.

Ideal candidate­s for Vaser Liposuction are individuals who maintain good health, posse­ss a stable weight, and hold realistic e­xpectations regarding the outcome­s. It is particularly beneficial for those struggling with stubborn fat de­posits that prove resistant to dietary modifications and e­xercise regime­ns.

Vaser Liposuction has the­ capability to address multiple body areas. The­se areas include the­ abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, back, and even de­licate regions such as the ne­ck and chin.

The duration of the­ procedure varies base­d on the size and number of are­as being treated. On ave­rage, it typically takes betwe­en 1 to 3 hours.

The re­covery time for individuals and the e­xtent of the procedure­ can vary. However, most patients typically re­sume light activities within a few days and re­turn to normal activities within 2 to 3 weeks.

FAQs (Arms Liposuction)

Liposuction is a safe surgical procedure offered by qualified plastic surgeons. However, Liposuction has its risks explained in detail during your initial consultation.

You have to do deep research before choosing your plastic surgeon. You can use Google or other social media platforms to find your ideal surgeon.

User-generated content can help you choose the best plastic surgeon. Dr. Tarek Aesthetics should be your first thought if you are in Dubai, as he is one of the best.

Liposuction does not guarantee permanent results. However, a healthy diet and exercise can make the results last longer.

With Dr. Tarek Aesthetics in the equation, the procedure is highly valued. From the user-generated content, 91% of those who have undergone liposuction are satisfied.

After liposuction surgery, expect pain and discomfort for the first few days. After that, your plastic surgeon will prescribe medication to ease the pain and discomfort.

FAQs (Mommy Makeover)

Dr. Tarek advises that women wait at least a year (or longer) after they have had their last child before considering a mommy makeover. This period gives ample time for the mother to fully recover from childbirth and also should have been done with breastfeeding. 

A mommy makeover also includes a recovery period where taking care of (and lifting) babies might be difficult. You should plan for when your baby doesn’t fully need your own care, or you have someone else to take care of them for you.

You can still have children after a mommy makeover. However, this is often not recommended as you will still have to go back through the procedures after you’ve had your next child. Even if you have had a mommy makeover before, your body reacts to pregnancy, and biological changes occur throughout the body, undoing all the results from the procedures.

A mommy makeover includes all the surgical and non-surgical procedures performed by a plastic surgeon on women that have undergone pregnancy. Most of the procedures revolve around the breast and abdomen, as they are the most affected during pregnancy.

Depending on your preferences and advice from your surgeon, it can be safe to combine procedures in a mommy makeover. In fact, most patients prefer to have their mommy makeover done in a single session. This is usually because it minimizes downtime.

Scarring is an unavoidable result of any surgical procedure. However, when you get a mommy makeover from the best plastic surgeons in Dubai, you can rest assured that all the scars will be well-hidden and made virtually invisible.

The total cost of a mommy makeover in Dubai varies from one patient to another. This is because each patient’s needs are different, and so are the procedures involved. 

Reach out to our team at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics today and schedule your appointment to learn more about mommy makeover in Dubai.

FAQs (High definition liposuction | 6 pack liposuction)

The best candidates for abdominal etching are people with a relatively good shape, in good health, and with a mild to moderate amount of abdominal fat. Those with a significant amount of abdominal fat aren’t suitable for 6-pack surgery as it will create an unnatural appearance.

Abdominal etching is done through a special tumescent liposuction technique. This procedure is usually done under general anesthesia, which means that you will be asleep the entire period. 

During the surgery, the plasticsurgeon makes small incisions along the natural contours of your abdomen to help minimize scarring. Fat is removed through these incisions, thinned in others, and rearranged through others. This is done in a bid to accentuate the abdominal muscles and the line running down the abdomen to give you a solid 6-pack.

There is no age limit set for patients to receive a 6-pack surgery. However, plastic surgeons in Dubai recommend that the patient’s body be fully developed and the tissue is sufficiently firm and elastic. This usually happens when the person hits adulthood, which is usually at least 18 years.

Abdominal etching or 6-pack surgery is a common surgical procedure that’s often sought after by people looking to improve their aesthetics. Such people desire to have solid abs but are unable to achieve the same through dieting and exercise. It should be noted, however, that abdominal etching in Dubai is not used as a weight loss program.

Just like with any other invasive surgery, scarring is inevitable. However, if you get abdominal etching from some of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai, you will not have to worry so much about people noticing your scars. This is because experienced plasticsurgeons like Dr. Tarek conceal the incisions such that they are virtually invisible. 

In most cases, the incision lines are usually placed near the areola. They tend to fade over time to become almost non-existent. However, this solely depends on the individual, as their skin and genetics play a huge part during scarring.

You will realize a 6-pack immediately after the surgery. Women often get a 4-pack on their abdomens. You will notice such a transformation as soon as one day later. Within the next week to a month or so, you may notice that you have lost some definition, more so when you start taking off the compression garment. However, from the third to the sixth month following the surgery, you will start noticing the results of the procedure in its full glory.

There will be some swelling and bruising in the target areas following the surgery. Your surgeon will give you a compression garment which will be worn for about 4-6 weeks. 

While most patients that undergo 6 pack liposuction in Dubai get to go back to their work within a week, you should refrain from strenuous exercises for at least a month, or as directed by your doctor. The full effect of the surgery should be noticed within 6 months.

FAQs (Gynecomastia Surgery)

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by overly big male breasts. Men or boys tend to have ‘man-chests’ which may not sit well with their self-confidence. While you can easily look for treatment from your local doctor or endocrinologist, you’ll most likely get referred to a plastic surgeon for immediate and long-lasting results. 

Through gynecomastia surgery, you can get rid of the ‘man chest’ and get back to your life a more confident, aesthetically pleasing man.

The best (and most recommended) way to treat gynecomastia is through surgery. Male breast reduction surgery or gynecomastia surgery uses a combination of liposuction and excision techniques to remove fat and glandular tissue. 

As the excess fat is removed, the remaining skin is tightened over the chest. The gynecomastia surgeon in Dubai can also reduce or relocate the nipple-areolar complex if needed.

A gynecomastia surgery candidate is basically a male adult that is physically healthy and cleared to undergo any invasive surgery. Moreover, the ideal candidate should also have realistic goals and have a clear driving factor on why they seek the surgery. 

Consequently, male breast reduction surgeons in Dubai may not clear you for a procedure if you want to use the surgery as a weight-loss technique — as it isn’t. Moreover, your gynecomastia should not be related to a hormonal issue as the surgery doesn’t fix hormonal issues that result in excessive male breast tissues.

Male breast reduction surgery in Dubai takes about one and a half to two hours. You will need to plan for at least 4 hours of your day when coming for a gynecomastia surgery at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics. This is because besides the time it takes for the surgery, you also have to factor in the period taken to prepare you and also for the administration of the anesthesia. 

You should also plan for someone to take you back home as your body may still be under the influence of anesthesia long after the surgery, making it difficult to drive yourself back home. Only a few cases may require in-patient services (a patient to spend at least a night at the clinic) as most gynecomastia surgical cases are treated as outpatient.

There will be scarring after a male breast reduction surgery, but when done by more experienced surgeons like Dr. Tarek, gynecomastia results in minimal scarring. Most scars from the procedure are usually hidden under the armpit. Should you combine the surgery with a lift, the scars may appear around the areola, hidden in the pigment changes of your skin.

The results of a male breast reduction surgery are usually long-lasting. However, factors like significant weight gain, steroids, and drug usage may lead to the recurrence of gynecomastia. Dr. Tarek will take you through some of the things that you can do, including lifestyle changes, to help you maintain the results from your gynecomastia surgery.

Most patients are able to go back to their work within a week following a gynecomastia procedure. Light exercising can be resumed within two weeks and more strenuous physical activities can be done after at least four weeks. Nevertheless, the recovery process is different for everyone and yours might be faster or slower than the indicated timeframe.

FAQs ( Botox Procedures)

Botox injections are not painful. Even without topical anesthetic, you may only feel as much as a slight pinch during the procedure. In fact, you may not even notice when Botox is being administered by a professionally trained Botox doctor in Dubai.

Botox injections are relatively safe only when administered by an experienced and skilled Botox doctor or dermatologist. They can pose risks if not administered by the right professional, so always ensure that you only consider getting the injections from certified Botox doctors near you.

Botox treatment is not permanent. It only offers a temporary solution that lasts between 3 to 6 months. You will have to get another treatment after that period has lapsed as the Botox will have worn out.

Botox cannot be removed from the body once injected. This medication is absorbed into the muscle tissues and paralyze the muscles responsible for wrinkles. Once this is done, it cannot be reversed. It would be prudent to get only a qualified Botox doctor to administer Botox injections to be safe from any negative side effects from the administration from an unqualified person.

Botulinum toxin or Botox as is commonly referred to is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This is the same toxin that can cause botulism, a life-threatening illness that affects the nerves. 

Doctors use the toxin in small doses to treat health conditions like temporarily soothing facial wrinkles, severe underarm sweating, cervical dystonia, among others.

Botox is administered by injecting the toxin into the body muscles through a small needle with minimal to no discomfort experienced. The effects can be seen 3 to 7 days after the administration, depending on the issue being treated.

Botox is approved for use by patients over 18 years of age. You can get Botox treatment at any age. The type of injections you get depends on the ailment or condition you wish to treat. The elderly are usually the main target for curing wrinkles, sagging eyebrows, marionette lines, and other age-related conditions.

For other concerns like migraines and an overactive bladder, you can get them at any age. It would be prudent to note that even some younger people can get wrinkles or facial lines brought about by numerous factors. Either way, they can also get Botox treatment.

It is recommended to get Botox treatment only from qualified and experienced Botox doctors or dermatologists. As one of the best Botox clinics in Dubai, Dr. Tarek Aesthetics prides itself on offering top-notch Botox treatment in Dubai, with the best services in the region. Our doctors are well-qualified with many years of vast experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, with hundreds of satisfied patients who’ve had their self-confidence restored. 

Reach out to us today and schedule an appointment. Get to enjoy our free consultation to help you understand more about Botox in Dubai. You can also search online ‘the best Botox clinics near me’ and get to find some of the best medical facilities offering Botox treatment and are close to you.

FAQs (Fillers)

The best dermal filler varies from one person to the other. Individual goals and the target areas determine which dermal filler you will get. Dr. Tarek will take you through the available options during your initial consultation, where you will also undergo a medical examination to determine your candidacy for the treatment.

Dermal fillers are not permanent and you may need to get them every once in a while. If getting dermal fillers in Dubai, your doctor will guide you on the frequency to get them. You should expect your fillers to last anywhere between six months and two years. The period taken is determined by your goals and the type of filler that you’re getting.

Most dermal fillers are made with hyaluronic acid mixed with lidocaine to help ease the discomfort. Some patients may feel mild discomfort when using certain dermal fillers, but the surgeon will apply topical anesthesia prior to the treatment to give room for a more comfortable experience.

Dermal fillers in Dubai are safe as long as you get them from an authorized and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Tarek. All the components of a filler are approved for human use. Hyaluronic acid is the main ingredient found in most filler treatments. It is a naturally occurring product in the skin cells, meaning there is minimal to no risk of allergic reactions.

Dermal fillers are relatively safe and effective. However, some patients may report some mild reactions, including redness, bruising, itching, or tenderness. Nevertheless, your surgeon takes all these into account to ensure that your skin isn’t affected by such reactions. Moreover, such side effects may only last a few days, not exceeding a week.

Fillers are referred to as a ‘lunchtime’ procedure at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics as the treatment only takes a few minutes and you can go back to your normal routine in no time. However, Dr. Tarek advises his patients not to schedule a filler treatment right before attending an important event as there may be slight side effects like swelling and redness for some time.

The results from a dermal filler treatment in Dubai are immediate. The appearance gradually improves within the next 2 to 4 weeks where you can realize the full potential of your filler treatment.

Your surgeon will discuss with you some aftercare instructions on how to help you get the most from your filler treatment. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid touching the treated area immediately after the procedure as this would lead to infection and may even interfere with the placement of the filler. 

Moreover, you should also avoid alcohol, smoking, heat, and exercise for the first couple of days after the treatment. You should also wait at least 1 to 2 weeks before getting another cosmetic treatment.

Although you might still get permanent dermal fillers, the best plastic surgeons in Dubai recommend against getting them. This is because while you might still get desirable results within the first couple of weeks, the target area may start appearing somewhat unnatural. Furthermore, permanent fillers carry a more significant risk of side effects, which may be a little too late to reverse easily.

Both Botox and dermal fillers address similar but also different areas of concern. However, you can only know the right type of treatment during your consultation with a plastic surgeon. At Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, our highly experienced plastic surgeons will take their time to analyze your goals, the nature of your skin, among other factors to enable them to recommend the right treatment for you.

FAQs (Injection Lipolysis)

Injection lipolysis works to reduce smaller fat deposits in the body without surgery. Your plastic surgeon will inject a special solution (phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholic acid) into the tissues of the target areas using a fine needle. 

The solution forces a reaction within the cells, making the fat disintegrate. The lymphatic system further breaks down the released cells.

Plastic surgeons in Dubai only use injection lipolysis to melt off local fat deposits, not as a weight-loss technique. If you are searching for a weight loss program, our highly qualified staff at Dr. Tarek Aesthetic will take you through a couple of available options.

Injection lipolysis is ideal for losing stubborn fat cells that just won’t go away through exercising and dieting. It is an effective, non-invasive form of treatment, meaning you won’t have to undergo all the hassle required before, during, and after a surgical procedure to attain the same results. 

Moreover, this is a fast procedure with little pain or discomfort and few risks. Patients that undergo injection lipolysis in Dubai also get to go to their work without any changes in their functioning.

The number of required injection lipolysis treatments depends on the patient’s body. Your doctor will conduct a number of tests to understand much about you and determine how many treatments you may require. 

On average, 2 to 4 sessions may be needed at an interval of 6 to 8 weeks. Ideal results may be noticeable after around 4 to 6 weeks after your first injection. As all our bodies react differently to the treatment, some people may go up to 12 weeks before they can notice any results.

This is a fast procedure that takes only a few minutes. The surgeon uses fine needles to introduce the solution into the target area. There shouldn’t be any adverse effects of the injection but you may experience some tingling sensation afterward. 

Some patients may experience minor swelling and bruising. Nevertheless, this sensation is only temporary and subsides within a few days.

Injection lipolysis is not an invasive treatment and most patients that undergo the procedure tend to go back to work immediately after. This treatment is referred to as a ‘lunchtime procedure’ at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics as we’d expect the patients to simply pop in for the injections during their lunch break and head back to work thereafter. 

However, you may want to schedule a day off for convenience, especially if you’re planning to get injection lipolysis in Dubai for the first time.

Like most other cosmetic treatments, anything involving fatty tissues isn’t permanent. While you may get rid of most fat tissues during injection lipolysis treatment, they may still come back. This is why it would be prudent to watch your lifestyle habits, dieting, and exercising to maintain your new look for longer.

There are many factors that will determine the best form of treatment for you. However, the amount of fat to be removed stands out. Moreover, your doctor will advise you on the best form of fat-loss treatment following your initial consultation. 

Liposuction offers a more immediate result, while injection lipolysis is a slow, gradual process. Furthermore, it should be noted that liposuction, unlike injection lipolysis, is an invasive surgery, and you may have to pause your normal activities for a few days.

Injection lipolysis is not a painful procedure. You will only feel localized discomfort and a minor burning sensation immediately following the treatment. It is also not uncommon to experience some swelling and soreness in the treated area after treatment. Overall, the effects of the procedure aren’t regarded as painful by most patients.

Injection lipolysis is not an invasive procedure. This means there are very few risks involved. Some patients may experience swelling, soreness, and a minor burning sensation following the procedure. However, this is normal and tends to go away within a few days. 

As a rule of thumb, always get any cosmetic procedures done by qualified and experienced professionals. You reduce the chances of any adverse impacts by getting the procedure done by some of the best injection lipolysis doctors in Dubai.

FAQs (Thread Facelift)

A thread lift is a medical procedure that seeks to counter the signs of aging on the lower face. Your doctor uses the subcutaneous placement of PDO threads that are pulled to give the skin a ‘lift’. This procedure is especially helpful for jowl, midface, and neck-lifting. Plastic surgeons in Dubai sometimes use a thread lift for sagging eyebrows and cheeks.

Thread lift is essential when tackling mild to moderate sagging in the jawline, midface, cheeks, neck, and eyebrows.

Dr. Tarek will first apply a topical numbing and local anesthetic to the treatment site before treatment starts. A fine needle will be used during the procedure, and you won’t even experience any pain whatsoever. 

PDO threads are thereafter inserted through a blunt tip needle, also known as a cannula. The surgeon may also use sharp-tipped needles throughout the procedure. Once these threads are inserted inside the appropriate layer of skin, they act as anchors, making the skin appear lifted. Any excess threads are cut off

Getting a thread lift in Dubai is beneficial as it is a perfect non-surgical alternative to a facelift. It yields excellent results and you do not have to undergo any invasive procedures. Moreover, no general anesthesia is required. 

There’s also no scarring experienced, meaning it offers a quicker recovery time. Besides, it is also quite affordable compared to other procedures that yield similar results.

A PDO thread lift is usually performed under local anesthesia. This means that you are fully awake and aware of your surroundings during the procedure. The whole process takes about an hour, after which you will be free to head back to your normal daily activities. 

Some patients can easily get back to their work, but all this depends on an individual’s reaction to the treatment and how many filaments have been used on them.

PDO threads from Dr. Tarek Aesthetics are known to last for a long time. In most cases, patients can go 6 to 9 months before they have their threads dissolved. However, how long they last generally depends on several factors, including the thickness and quality of threads used, and your body’s rate of metabolism.

Results from a thread lift can last for several years. The exact period depends on various factors like the patient’s age and the degree of their skin laxity, which can impact the longevity of thread lift results.

PDO thread lifts are generally considered safe and are FDA-approved. They are much more preferred compared to other surgical alternatives. Moreover, there have been hundreds of thousands of procedures performed and there haven’t been reports of allergic reactions, sensitivity to the threads, or generally any serious side effects to the treatment. Furthermore, you also get to enjoy the benefits of an expedited recovery time.

A thread lift can be reversed. However, this isn’t usually recommended. You should first talk to your surgeon as they will recommend better ways to get the results that you desire.

FAQs (PRP | Platelet Rich Plasma)

You can get Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections treatment in Dubai from licensed and accredited medical facilities. Dr. Tarek Aesthetic is one of the few best Platelet Rich Plasma treatment clinics in Dubai that you can consider.

Your doctor will collect or draw a fraction of your blood into a syringe. The collected blood is then spun down in special equipment to separate the components. The Platelet Rich Plasma is then re-injected using a needle or a microneedle back into the skin or target treatment area.

A typical Platelet Rich Plasma treatment in Dubai takes between an hour or two. The period taken depends on the target treatment area and the condition been treated for. This timeframe includes about 30 extra minutes for the blood to be drawn and spun in the centrifuge. Topical numbing may also be applied during this time.

Platelet Rich Plasma injections are generally not painful. However, some patients may experience some discomfort during the procedure. There’s also a burning or tingling sensation after the Platelet Rich Plasma reinjection. Such a feeling usually lasts only a few minutes after the treatment. 

Fortunately, patients can be more comfortable during the procedure at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics as our doctors use topical numbing to aid any discomfort.

In most cases, patients begin to notice results from their Platelet Rich Plasma treatment within a week or two after the procedure. These results usually continue building up within the next 6 months after the treatment.

Results from Platelet Rich Plasma injections are known to last for many years. However, just how long you will notice the results depends on various factors, such as the treated area and the natural quality of the individual’s Platelet Rich Plasma. Furthermore, how long you stay with your results is determined by your lifestyle.

There is no downtime associated with Platelet Rich Plasma injections. Patients that have undergone treatment are usually back to their normal activities in no time. However, you may experience some effects like redness or swelling after the procedure. These signs often last from a few minutes to at most a day. 

This is why the majority of new Platelet Rich Plasma patients in Dubai tend to seek treatment towards the end of the week so that they can have the weekend to heal. Nevertheless, healing depends on each patient’s body and it responds to the treatment.

Although you will see results from just one treatment, you will require more. The exact number of required treatments varies from one patient to another, but generally, 2-3 treatments are recommended. Your doctor will advise you on the expected number of treatments during your initial consultation.

Soon after the treatment, it is not uncommon for the patients to experience some mild discomfort characterized by a burning or tingling sensation. This soreness may be experienced for as long as 24 hours, but your Platelet Rich Plasma doctors in Dubai will prescribe some medication to control the discomfort. 

You can easily go back to work immediately after the procedure, but you should refrain from any strenuous activities. Moreover, you shouldn’t apply makeup or tamper with the treated area for some days as this might interrupt treatment. Your attending doctor will give you all the instructions that you should follow to achieve optimal results.