Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty fat removal surgery or liposculpture is a surgical body contouring procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific body parts. Liposuction isn’t considered an overall weight-loss method or a weight-loss alternative. It gives a more defined and contoured body shape. It is suitable for both men and women on various body areas.

Liposuction removes fat deposits and reshapes parts of the body, including:

Confused between liposuction and BodyTite? Read about Bodytite Vs. Liposuction and decide which is right for you

How to Choose the Best Liposuction in Dubai?

The first step to getting satisfied with liposuction in Dubai is by selecting the best surgeons in the region. Here are the important points to consider when choosing the right surgeon

  • What is their expertise? 
  • Do they have relevant experience? 
  • What is their track record? 
  • How is their customer service? 

Finding the Right Clinic: Top Liposuction Centers in Dubai

Researching and selecting the right clinic is crucial when considering liposuction in Dubai. Various clinics offer top-notch services, modern facilities, and experienced surgeons to ensure the best outcomes. Before deciding, it is essential to consider the clinic’s reputation, the surgeon’s expertise, and customer reviews.

Clinic ReputationEnsures reliability and quality of serviceLook for clinics with positive reviews
Surgeon’s ExpertiseDetermines the likelihood of a successful procedureVerify the surgeon’s qualifications
Facility QualityAffects the safety and comfort of the procedureCheck for modern and clean facilities
Customer ReviewsProvides insights into the experiences of previous patientsRead reviews on independent platforms
Service RangeHelps in determining if the clinic can meet individual needs and preferencesCheck the list of offered services
Cost & FinancingAffects accessibility and affordability of the procedureInquire about payment plans

Best Liposuction Surgeon in Dubai UAE –  Dr Tarek Bayazid 

Exceptional Expertise and Credentials

  • Renowned Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Tarek Bayazid is celebrated for his expertise in facial rejuvenation and body contouring.
  • Comprehensive Training: Completed his MD and specialized plastic surgery residency, ensuring a deep understanding of aesthetic procedures.

Professional Memberships and Global Exposure

  • Internationally Recognized: Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).
  • Licensed and Accredited: Holds licenses from Serbian Medical Chamber and Dubai Health Authority (DHA), indicating adherence to global medical standards.

Advanced Surgical Techniques

  • Innovative Approaches: Known for his advanced techniques in composite deep plane facelifts and minimal invasive procedures.
  • Focus on Natural Results: Prioritizes achieving natural-looking results, reflecting his artistic precision in aesthetic enhancements.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

  • Modern Clinic in Dubai: Dr. Tarek’s clinic boasts cutting-edge technology, ensuring safe, effective, and comfortable procedures.
  • Designed for Patient Safety: The facility is optimized for patient safety and adheres to the highest medical standards.

Commitment to Patient Care and Safety

  • Patient-Centric Approach: Each treatment plan is tailored to individual needs, ensuring personalized care and satisfaction.
  • Safety First Philosophy: Dr. Tarek’s methods prioritize patient well-being and safety, upheld by his clinic’s high-quality standards.

Leader in Surgical Education

  • Mentor and Trainer: Recognized for his contributions to training the next generation of plastic surgeons.
  • Internationally Esteemed Examiner: His role as a surveyor and examiner underscores his extensive knowledge and expertise in the field.

Before And After Results

Some results can be seen immediately, but continual changes can be visible over the next few months; final results can take up to 4-6 months.

Post liposuction surgery, your skin will start to tighten. You can expect visible results usually around the 6th week after the surgery. However, the results are best visible after a few months after the  liposuction surgery. The body takes 4 to 6 months to heal completely.

Why Choose Dubai for Liposuction?

  • World-Class Surgeons: Highly skilled.
  • Advanced Medical Facilities: Cutting-edge technology.
  • High Safety Standards: Strict regulations.
  • Diverse Techniques Offered: Wide range available.
  • Excellent Aftercare Services: Comprehensive support.
  • Multicultural Environment: Welcoming to all.
  • DHA & MOH Compliance: Adherence to strict regulations.
  • Multicultural City: Welcoming and diverse.
  • Medical Tourism Hub: Combine treatment with travel.
  • Combine with Travel: Unique destination experience.

Key Features

  1. Personalized Consultation 
  2. Leading Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 
  3. Targeted Fat Removal with High Precision
  4. Minimally Invasive Liposuction Surgery
  5. Safe and Controlled Procedure
  6. Customized Treatment Plans

Personalized Consultations

At Dr. Tarek Aesthetics, each liposuction journey begins with an in-depth, individualized consultation. This process allows Dr. Tarek and his team to understand your unique body sculpting goals, ensuring a plan that’s tailored to your specific desires and needs.

Leading Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 

Dr. Tarek Bayazid stands out as a board-certified surgeon, renowned for his expertise and precision in liposuction techniques. His extensive experience and commitment to excellence in aesthetic surgery assure patients of both top-tier results and a safe surgical experience.

Advanced Fat Removal

Dr Tarek specializes in targeted Fat Removal with High Precision, Leveraging advanced liposuction techniques. Dr. Tarek’s approach effectively targets and eliminates stubborn fat deposits. This method reshapes and contours the body, ensuring safety and maximizing aesthetic enhancement.

Minimally Invasive Techniques

Emphasizing minimally invasive procedures, Dr. Tarek Aesthetics offers liposuction options that ensure quicker recovery and minimal scarring. Minimally invasive techniques allow patients to experience a smoother post-operative period and a faster recoreturn to daily activities.

Safe and Controlled Procedure

Dr. Tarek Aesthetics is committed to patient safety, performing all procedures in state-of-the-art facilities that adhere to the highest standards of hygiene and safety. The clinic’s stringent safety protocols and cutting-edge equipment provide a secure environment for all liposuction procedures.

Customized Treatment Focus

Understanding that each body is unique, Dr. Tarek specializes in customized liposuction treatments. Whether targeting the abdomen, thighs, arms, or other specific areas, his approach is tailored to meet the aesthetic goals of each patient, ensuring results that are both beautiful and harmonious with the individual’s physique.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for Liposuction?

If you have excess fat deposits that aren’t responding to a healthy diet or exercise, liposuction may be ideal for you. Generally, you are a good candidate for liposuction if you’re an adult who:

  • Has generally good health
  • Has firm, elastic skin
  • Has a good muscle tone
  • Understands that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure
  • Isn’t able to achieve the ideal body shape by removing stubborn fat through dieting and exercising.

It would be best if you were your ideal weight.

Liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. One of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai, Dr Tarek, advises that you be at your ideal weight before the surgery. Losing some weight after the procedure might alter the results you anticipate. 

The fat is not going anywhere.

You have possibly tried doing things differently, hoping that the stubborn excess fat will disappear. If you have not witnessed any changes, it may be time for liposuction. While the procedure will not take away your insecurities, body contouring will help to boost your confidence in an area that once gave you so many problems. 

You have time for recovery.

Liposuction is an invasive surgery and requires you to have some time to recover. Ensure you have enough rest after the procedure to enhance the recovery process. Your plastic surgeon will give all the instructions. Follow them carefully. If you must wear a compression garment, wear it as it helps the affected area settle into its new shape. 

Who is Not a Suitable Liposuction Candidate?

Here’s why you may not be considered for liposuction at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics:

  • You’re not medically cleared for surgery
  • You have skin elasticity problems
  • You want more fat removed than is recommended
  • Your BMI is too high
  • You have unrealistic expectations of the outcome.

Types of Liposuction 

  • Tumescent Liposuction
  • Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction (UAL)
  • Laser-assisted Liposuction (LAL)
  • Traditional Liposuction
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction
  • Vaser Liposuction
  • Radiofrequency Liposuction
  • Body-Jet Liposuction

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent is the most popular type of liposuction. The process is also straightforward as the surgeon injects a sterile solution — an anesthetic (lidocaine) to relieve pain, a drug that causes the blood vessels to constrict (epinephrine), and saltwater which assists in fat removal — into the target region.

The mixture stiffens and makes the target area swell. The surgeon makes small incisions and inserts a small tube called a cannula under your skin. The cannula is connected to a vacuum that suctions fat from the body.

Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction (UAL)

UAL is mostly used together with traditional liposuction. Here, the surgeon inserts a metal rod that produces ultrasonic energy under your skin. This causes fat cells to rupture and break down for easier removal. VASER-assisted liposuction is a new generation of UAL which improves skin contouring while reducing the chance of skin injuries.

Laser-assisted Liposuction (LAL)

This method uses high-intensity laser light to break down fat for removal. The surgeon makes a small incision and inserts a laser fiber that emulsifies fat deposits. Once broken down, the surgeon uses a cannula to remove the fat.

Additional Advanced Techniques

Hi Def Liposuction

  • Targets specific muscle groups.
  • Ideal for sculpted, athletic look.
  • Enhances abs, chest contours.

Aqualift Liposuction

  • Uses tumescent solution for pain relief.
  • Treats larger areas effectively.
  • Reduces pain, minimizes bleeding.

Lipo with J Plasma

  • Combines cold helium plasma technology.
  • Aids in tissue tightening.
  • Suitable for mild skin laxity.

Classic Liposuction

  • Traditional suction-assisted method.
  • Reliable for larger body areas.
  • Addresses abdomen, thighs, buttocks.

Read about Advantages of Liposuction | Explained by Dr. Tarek Bayazid for a more detailed explanation.


The success of the procedure and your own safety is significantly dependent on your honesty and transparency during your initial consultation. Your doctor will ask you a number of questions trying to understand more about your health, desires, and lifestyle.

You will have to disclose any current or previous medical conditions or surgeries you’ve had and the medication that you’re currently on. Your doctor will also want to know why you want to have the surgery and what your expectations are. 

Thereafter, the surgeon will examine your body before determining if you’re an ideal candidate. Should you get the green light, you’ll be given a few instructions to help you prepare for the surgery. Some of them include: 

  • Medications to avoid before the surgery
  • Restrictions regarding eating or drinking a day before the surgery
  • If you are a smoker, you’ll also be advised to keep off for some time before and after the procedure.


What to Expect During Liposuction Surgery in Dubai

During a lipoplasty procedure, you will have either local or general anesthesia. Your surgeon makes a small incision near the target area. A small, hollow tube (known as a cannula) is attached to a suction machine to extract excess fat. After the surgery, your surgeon closes up the incisions.

Afterward, a care team will give you specific instructions on how to take care of yourself after surgery. This mostly involves how to take your prescribed medicine, what to avoid, and how to use body stockings to control bleeding and swelling. 

Liposuction Step-by-Step Procedure

  • Receive local or general anesthesia.
  • Surgeon makes a small incision.
  • Incision near the target area.
  • Attach a cannula to suction machine.
  • Extract excess fat using cannula.
  • Surgeon closes up the incisions.
  • Post-surgery care instructions given.
  • Learn prescribed medicine usage.
  • Understand what to avoid.
  • Use body stockings as directed.
  • Control bleeding and swelling.


Treatment AreaDuration
Abdomen, Flanks, Back including Bra rolls3 hours
Abdomen, Flanks, and Chest3-4 hours
Back45 minutes to an hour
Arms45 minutes to an hour
Thighs and Knees1-2 hours
Double Chin1 hour
Legs2 hour

What to expect after the surgery?

  • After liposuction, patients are sent to the recovery room where our team will closely monitor their health.
  • It is most likely expected to leave the clinic after a few hours if the surgeon permits.
  • Patients who have had liposuction on small areas can return to work within 2-3 days.
  • A tummy tuck and Abdominoplasty might be required to tighten the skin and muscles after removing excess belly fat with liposuction.


Depending on the nature of the surgery and where liposuction was done, most patients are able to go back to their normal lives between 3 days and 2 weeks after the surgery. Your improved body contour will be visible or noticeable as soon as fluid retention and swelling subside.

Some swelling and bruising is normal after liposuction and usually subside within a few weeks. You will be asked to wear a compression garment for the first 6 weeks to ease the pain and aid the healing process. Results stabilize approximately in 3 to 6 months after the swelling disappears. 

Post-Procedure Aftercare Instructions

Adhering to post-operative instructions, including rest, medication, and wearing compression garments, is crucial for optimal recovery and results.

  • Downtime: The required downtime after liposuction in Dubai can vary based on individual healing and the extent of the procedure.
  • Compression Garments: Wearing compression garments post-procedure helps reduce swelling and improve contouring.
  • Medication and Pain Management: Adherence to prescribed medication and pain management strategies is crucial for a comfortable recovery.
  • Activity Restriction: Limiting strenuous activities and gradually resuming normal activities is recommended after liposuction.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is essential for sustaining liposuction results.
  • Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor healing and address concerns post-procedure.

How Much Does Cost of Liposuction in Dubai?

Dubai Liposuction average cost generally starts with AED 7999 and exceeds up to AED 18,000 or more. The figure can vary based on the location of the liposuction part of the body, and experience of the physician, the location of the clinic, and, in addition, the type of anesthesia used in your case.

The cost depends on the following factors:

  • Amount of fat to be removed
  • Area to be treated
  • Experience of the liposuction surgeon
  • Skills  of the liposuction surgeon
  • Facility (clinic or hospital) where the surgery is performed
  • extent of body contouring
  • Cost of anesthesia

Free with all surgical procedures

Get a free LPG Medical Endermologie® massage worth AED 5000 for every surgical procedure your procure at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics. The Medical Endermologie® is a new, state-of-the-art technique used by top surgeons to prepare and soften skin tissue. This helps limit the side effects and complications you’d get from the procedure, thus maximizing the surgery’s success.

Thanks to its draining effect, the treatment allows bruises and edema from the operation to be resorbed much faster after your surgery. The LPG Medical Endermologie® massage also stimulates the fibroblasts (cells of the dermis) to restore your skin’s elasticity and suppleness, hence promoting a much better recovery process.

Get all these for free with every surgical procedure at Dr. Tarek Aesthetics.

What to Expect During Consultation at Dr. Tarek Bayazid’s Clinic

Understanding Your Aesthetic Goals

  • Initial Discussion: Share your expectations and desired outcomes.
  • Personalized Assessment: Dr. Tarek evaluates your specific needs.

Comprehensive Evaluation

  • Physical Examination: Assessing targeted areas for liposuction.
  • Medical Review: Discussing your health history and safety.

Detailed Procedure Explanation

  • Technique Overview: Explaining suitable liposuction methods.
  • Expected Outcomes: What results to anticipate post-procedure.

Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

  • Recovery Plan: Guiding you through the post-surgery journey.
  • Aftercare Instructions: Tips for a smooth and swift recovery.

Answering All Your Questions

  • Open Q&A: Addressing any concerns or queries you may have.
  • Clear Communication: Ensuring you’re fully informed and comfortable.

Ready for a transformative journey with liposuction in Dubai? Book your consultation today and take the first step towards achieving your desired body contours.


  • Book Now: Secure your spot with Dr. Tarek Bayazid.
  • Contact Us: Reach out to begin your aesthetic enhancement.

Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Tarek Bayazid – your first step towards a personalized liposuction experience.


Depending on the treated area, most patients are able to see the results from their lipo surgery between 1 and 3 months after the procedure.

Liposuction involves anaesthesia, so patients do not feel pain during the surgery. However, post-operative discomfort can occur. Although, it is typically manageable with prescribed medications.

Liposuction does not offer permanent results. Just because the process involves removing fat cells from the body, it doesn’t mean that they cannot come back. The best way to keep the results from your liposuction procedure for longer is to maintain a healthy weight through proper dieting and exercise.

If you are deemed an ideal candidate for liposuction, your surgeon will take you through some ways to prepare yourself for the surgery. For starters, you’ll be asked to quit smoking as it may prolong and inhibit healing. 

You’ll also have to stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs and other supplements that may risk an increase in bleeding. Moreover, if you’re currently under any medication, your doctor may recommend that you stop taking them or prescribe alternatives.

Most lumps will disappear within six months as you advance. If you experience bumps after six months, you need to address them with your plastic surgeon, who may need to remove them.

Plastic surgeons recommend sleeping on your back during the first three weeks after liposuction. Sleeping on your back helps to ease the pressure exerted on the incisions.

You may experience swelling after liposuction from a period of six months to one year. The areas with minor swelling may resolve in a few months, while the more complicated areas could last a year. At this time, you can already see the surgical procedure results.

If you go to an untrained surgeon, then there is a possibility of infections like any otehr surgery. In the first 7 days you will feel pain due to bandages. You may also experience swelling, bleeding, or bruising. 

In  order to avoid risks of side effects, you must choose an experienced and qualified liposuction surgeon. Dr Tarek has over 15 years of experience. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery “ISAPS”, and the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS). He is proudly a member of the most prestigious societies worldwide such as the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course – MAFAC from Australia by the eminent Dr.Mendelson. Book a consultation with Dr Tarek Bayazid.