Breast Augmentation Maintenance

Breast augmentation with lift is a popular cosmetic procedure for women since it can alter both the size and shape of the breasts. However, it’s crucial to remember that breast augmentation isn’t a one-and-done operation.  Proper maintenance and care are necessary to ensure the longevity and aesthetics of the implants. 

This article will cover every aspect of breast augmentation maintenance, from postoperative care to long-term concerns.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Surgical enhancement of the breast size and shape, often known as augmentation mammoplasty. The surgery typically involves the placement of breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles.

Types of Implants

There are two main types of breast implants:

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  1. Saline implants – These are filled with sterile salt water and can be adjusted for firmness, shape, and feel.
  2. Silicone implants – These contain silicone gel and tend to feel more like natural breast tissue.


Breast augmentation offers various benefits, such as:

  • increased self-confidence
  • improved breast symmetry
  • restoration of breast volume lost due to pregnancy or weight loss.

The Importance of Breast Augmentation Maintenance

Proper maintenance is crucial for the longevity and appearance of breast implants. By following the recommended guidelines and staying in contact with your Breast Augmentation surgeon, you can ensure the best possible outcome for your procedure. Some of the post-operative care include:

Routine Post-Operative Care

Ensure regular wound monitoring, pain management, and infection prevention to facilitate smooth recovery after surgery.

Incision Care

After surgery, it’s essential to keep the incision area clean and dry. Follow your surgeon’s instructions for cleaning and dressing the incision site to prevent infection and promote healing.

Breast Massage

Your surgeon may recommend breast massage to help prevent capsular contracture, a condition where scar tissue forms around the implant and causes it to feel hard. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines for the frequency and technique of breast massage.

Scar Management

Over time, your surgical scars will fade. To help minimize scarring, you can use silicone gel sheets, topical treatments, or even laser therapy, as recommended by your surgeon.

Long-Term Maintenance

Attend periodic check-ups, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and follow your surgeon’s long-term breast implant care recommendations.

Monitoring Implant Integrity

Breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. Regular check-ups with your surgeon and imaging studies, such as MRI or ultrasound, can help monitor the condition of your implants and detect any potential issues.

Regular Mammograms

Regular mammograms for women with breast implants are still an important breast cancer screening tool. It’s essential to inform the mammography technician about your implants so they can use appropriate techniques to visualize the breast tissue.

Watching for Changes

Pay attention to any changes in your breasts, such as swelling, pain, or unusual sensations. These could be signs of implant rupture or other complications that may require medical attention. If you notice any changes, consult your surgeon promptly.

Lifestyle Considerations for Breast Augmentation Maintenance

To ensure optimal breast implant longevity some of the points are listed below:


Every person needs to make time for regular exercise. However, after breast augmentation, it is crucial to follow your surgeon’s advice on when you can start an exercise and which activities you should avoid.

Proper Bra Support

Wearing a supportive bra can help maintain the position and shape of your breast implants. Your surgeon may recommend a specific type of bra or sports bra to wear during the initial recovery period and beyond.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Significant weight fluctuations can affect the appearance of your breast implants. Maintaining a stable, healthy weight can help preserve the results of your breast augmentation surgery.

Recognising Potential Complications and When to Seek Professional Advice

Awareness of potential breast implant complications, such as rupture, leakage, or capsular contracture, is crucial for maintaining your breast augmentation. It’s essential to monitor any changes in the appearance or feel of your breasts and promptly report them to your surgeon.

Seeking professional advice early on can prevent complications from escalating and ensure timely intervention if needed. Regular communication with your surgeon and adherence to their guidance will contribute significantly to your overall satisfaction and the long-term success of your breast augmentation.

Implant Replacement and Revision

Breast implants may need to be replaced or revised over time. Factors like implant rupture, capsular contracture, or a change in personal aesthetic preferences may necessitate implant replacement or revision surgery. Keep in touch with your surgeon to address any concerns and plan for potential future procedures.


Breast augmentation maintenance is essential to ensuring the longevity and aesthetics of your breast implants. Your breast implants should endure for many years if you take care of yourself following surgery, monitor your implants, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

For personalised advice and expert care, don’t hesitate to request a quote from Dr Tarek Aesthetics and start your journey towards maintaining beautiful results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Maintaining the health and integrity of your breast implants requires regular checkups with your surgeon every few years, or as directed by your surgeon.

Many women can successfully breastfeed after breast augmentation. However, the ability to breastfeed after surgery depends on a variety of factors, such as the nature of the procedure and the patient’s anatomy. Discuss your breastfeeding concerns with your surgeon before the procedure.

The timeline for resuming exercise after breast augmentation varies based on individual healing and your surgeon’s recommendations. Generally, light activities can be resumed within a week or two, while more strenuous exercise may require a longer waiting period.

Breast implants can make it more challenging to visualize breast tissue during a mammogram. However, informing the technician about your implants and using specialised techniques can help ensure accurate mammogram results.

Breast augmentation has a lifespan of 10 to twenty years, depending on the patient and the implant. Regular check-ups and monitoring can help identify when it’s time for implant replacement or revision.