Breast Lift With Liposuction

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. Often, women choose to have liposuction performed in conjunction with a breast lift to achieve a more comprehensive reshaping of their figure. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) 2020 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, 87,051 breast lift procedures were performed in the United States in 2020.

 Liposuction continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, with over 211,067 liposuction procedures performed in the United States in 2020. Combining a breast lift with liposuction allows women to address breast sagging and fat pockets in one surgery.

How Breast Lift with Liposuction Works

Breast lift with lipo is a combination procedure to lift the breasts and reduce unwanted fat deposits around the chest and armpit areas. Here is a quick overview of how it works:

The Breast Lift

Excess skin is surgically removed during a breast lift, and breast tissue is reshaped to raise the nipple and areola to a more youthful height. Underlying breast tissue may be gathered to create a firmer, more lifted breast contour.

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Liposuction slims areas around the breasts that collect bothersome fat deposits. Common areas treated with liposuction during a breast lift include the upper abdomen, sides, back, arms, and armpits. The fat removal achieves a more balanced, contoured look.

By combining these two procedures, women can correct sagging breasts and bothersome fat pockets in one surgery. The custom approach helps create a better overall shape.

What Is The Procedure Of Breast Lift With Liposuction

Here is the procedure of breast lift with liposuction in 5 simple steps:

  1. Anaesthesia is administered to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure. The choices are local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia.
  2. For the breast lift, the surgeon makes incisions following one of several surgical techniques. These include a crescent lift, Benelli lift, vertical lift, or anchor lift approach.
  3. Excess breast skin and tissue are removed, and the remaining tissue is surgically tightened. This allows the breasts to be reshaped and lifted to a more youthful position.
  4. Liposuction removes unwanted fat deposits from the abdomen, flanks, upper back, or arms, achieving a more contoured appearance.
  5. Incisions are closed with sutures, surgical tape, or skin adhesives. Inserted drains collect fluid and reduce swelling during recovery.

The combined approach helps to elevate the breast position and create better overall body proportions for a comprehensive aesthetic enhancement.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Lift with Liposuction?

The best candidates for breast lift with liposuction are women who:

  • Have breasts that sag or appear deflated
  • Struggle with stubborn fat pockets around the chest, flanks, back, or arms
  • Have breast ptosis – when nipples point downward
  • Are in good health with no medical conditions that impair healing
  • Do not smoke
  • Have realistic goals for surgery

Women should also be finished having children and be at a stable weight before surgery. Being finished with pregnancies allows the breasts to remain lifted long-term. Reaching a stable weight before surgery ensures that your results will not be compromised should you gain or lose weight later.

Breast Lift Techniques

There are a few techniques your plastic surgeon may use to achieve a breast lift, either alone or in conjunction with liposuction:

Crescent Lift

This limited lift is for women with mild sagging restricted to the upper portion of the breasts. During a crescent lift, a crescent-shaped portion of skin and tissue is removed above the areola. The nipple is then shifted up to a more youthful height.

Benelli Lift

This technique involves making a doughnut-shaped incision around the areola border. The nipple is moved up to reduce sagging, and the skin around the areola is brought together. This lift creates slightly more projection and lift than a crescent lift.

Vertical Lift

This technique removes a vertical wedge of tissue below the nipple and areola complex. The remaining tissue is gathered to close the incision sites and reshape the breast mound. This achieves even more lift than a Benelli lift. A vertical scar will extend from the areola area down to the breast crease.

Anchor Lift

Anchor lift is the most comprehensive breast lift option. First, tissue around the areola border is removed to raise and reshape the nipple area. Then, wedge excisions are made vertically from the areola down to the breast crease and horizontally along the crease. It creates the greatest breast projection, but visible scarring is the most extensive of all lift techniques in the shape of an “anchor.”

What to Expect During Recovery

Recovery from breast lift with liposuction takes patience. During your recovery, you can expect:

  • Bruising and swelling for the first 2 weeks
  • Wearing a special surgical bra for 4-6 weeks
  • Temporary numbness in the nipples and breast skin
  • No strenuous exercise for 4-6 weeks
  • No heavy lifting for 6 weeks
  • Manageable pain controlled with medication
  • Feeling tired and sore for up to 2 weeks

Most women take 1-2 weeks off work. While the recovery has challenges, most women find the results worth it. Following your plastic surgeon’s at-home care instructions can help facilitate the smoothest possible recovery.

Breast Lift with Liposuction Risks and Complications

While serious risks are rare when an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon performs breast lift with liposuction, some possible complications to be aware of include:


Bleeding is rare but can cause severe swelling and negatively impact results. Patients are closely monitored after surgery to watch for signs of hematoma.


Infection is uncommon. Your surgeon will prescribe antibiotics to help prevent infection. Proper aftercare and hygiene also reduce infection risk.

Poor Wound Healing

Smokers and patients with certain health conditions have impaired circulation that can delay wound healing. This may lead to more expansive, more visible scars and uneven surgical results over time.


No two breasts are perfectly symmetrical to start with. Differences in breast shape or nipple position may be more noticeable after a lift. While surgeons aim for the most symmetry possible, minor asymmetry is possible.

Recurrent Ptosis

While a breast lift creates more youthful breast contours, gravity continues to have an effect over time. Some recurrent sagging and ptosis may occur 10-15 years after surgery.

(breast lift with lipo)

How Much Does Breast Lift with Liposuction Cost?

The cost of breast lift with liposuction is influenced by the complexity of the procedures performed and factors like the surgeon’s skill and geographic location. According to 2021 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of:

ProcedureAverage Cost (AED)
Breast Lift Alone20,000 AED
Liposuction Alone15,000 AED
Breast Lift + Liposuction35,000 AED

Many plastic surgeons offer patient financing plans to help make procedures more affordable. When performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, breast lift with liposuction is considered a safe, effective combination procedure for comprehensive breast reshaping and body contouring.

How to Choose a Surgeon for Breast Lift with Liposuction

Choosing a qualified plastic surgeon is crucial for achieving beautiful, long-lasting results from breast lift with liposuction. Be sure to select a surgeon who is:


Confirm your surgeon is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). This Ensures comprehensive training and expertise.


Look for a surgeon with 5+ years of experience performing breast lifts and liposuction. View before and after photos to evaluate their aesthetic skills.

Uses Advanced Techniques

Opt for a surgeon who utilises the latest surgical techniques. This may include options like laser-assisted liposuction that enhance results and minimise downtime.


The best surgeons have an artistic eye paired with a caring bedside manner. Choose a doctor who listens attentively to your goals.

When you consult prospective surgeons, ask questions about their experience and qualifications. Also, explain the improvements you hope to achieve. This helps determine if a surgeon is an ideal match for performing your breast lift with liposuction.


For women struggling with sagging, deflated-looking breasts and stubborn fat pockets around the chest and torso, breast lift with lipo can provide transformative results. By bringing together these two targeted procedures, plastic surgeons can reshape the breasts and refine the figure for more comprehensive improvements.

When performed by a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr Tarek Bayazid, breast lifting techniques and liposuction allow custom reshaping of the breasts and body. This helps create the beautiful, proportional contours that patients desire.

Ultimately, the decision to have a breast lift and liposuction surgery is a very personal one. The best way to determine if it suits your needs and goals is to schedule an in-depth consultation.

To learn more about breast lift with lipo and determine if it may be an appropriate choice for enhancing your figure, contact Dr. Tarek Bayazid today. As one of Dubai’s most renowned plastic surgeons, Dr. Bayazid will conduct a thorough assessment, explain your options, and design a customised surgical plan to achieve the desired improvements.

To book an initial breast lift consultation with liposuction with Dr. Bayazid, visit Dr. Tarek Aesthetics or call +971 50 662 0692 +971 56 141 8785. Receive personalised guidance from a caring, skilled aesthetic provider.

Breast Lift with Liposuction FAQs

Recovery can involve moderate pain, swelling, and soreness for the first week. Prescription medication helps control discomfort. Most women feel well enough to return to desk work within 10 days.

Yes, your plastic surgeon may recommend combining additional procedures like breast augmentation or tummy tuck along with your lift for complete reshaping.

You’ll wear a supportive compression garment or special bra for 4-6 weeks after your breast lift and lipo. This helps minimise swelling and encourages proper healing.

For 4-6 weeks, avoid raising your heart rate through exercise. After you are cleared to resume activity, low-impact exercise is recommended in the long term to help maintain results.

Some scarring occurs, but incision lines are designed to fall within natural contours for camouflaging. Over 12-18 months, scars continue maturing and significantly fade.