Can Plastic Surgery Make Your Eyes Bigger? A Comprehensive Guide


The quest for larger, more expressive eyes is a common aesthetic desire. Plastic surgery offers various procedures that can help achieve this look, enhancing both the beauty and the perceived youthfulness of the eyes.

Can Plastic Surgery Make Your Eyes Bigger?

Yes, plastic surgery can make your eyes appear bigger. Dr. Tarek, a renowned plastic surgeon, explains the techniques used to achieve this effect.

Understanding Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a procedure designed to remove excess skin, muscle, and sometimes fat from the eyelids.

The Art of Canthoplasty

Canthoplasty is a surgical technique that can alter the lateral aspect of the eye, contributing to a more open and larger appearance.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Eyelid Surgery in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

The Procedure: What to Expect

A comprehensive guide through the surgery process, from consultation to recovery.

Pre-Surgery Consultation

Discussing expectations with Dr. Tarek is crucial to ensure you’re on the same page regarding the desired outcome.

During the Surgery

An overview of the steps taken by the surgical team to enhance the size and shape of your eyes.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Guidelines for aftercare to ensure the best possible healing and results.

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery offers both aesthetic and functional benefits, improving vision and rejuvenating the eye area.

Blepharoplasty Results with Dr. Tarek

Patients can expect a refreshed look, with eyes that appear larger and more alert post-surgery.

Asian Blepharoplasty: A Specialized Approach

This procedure is tailored to meet the unique aesthetic goals of Asian patients, often involving the creation of a crease in the eyelid.

Addressing Concerns: Blepharoplasty FAQs

Answers to common questions about the surgery to help you make an informed decision.

Am I a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

Ideal candidates are those in good health, with realistic expectations about the outcomes of eyelid surgery.

Risks Associated with Eyelid Surgery

While generally safe, it’s important to understand the potential complications associated with any surgical procedure.

Scarring and Blepharoplasty

Scarring is typically minimal, but management techniques can further reduce its visibility.

The Uniqueness of Asian Blepharoplasty

This procedure differs from standard blepharoplasty in its approach to the unique anatomy of the Asian eyelid.

Scheduling Your Aesthetic Consultation

Taking the first step towards achieving larger eyes begins with a consultation with Dr. Tarek.


Eyelid surgery holds transformative potential for those looking to enhance the size and shape of their eyes.

“Nearby Eyelid Laser Tightening: An In-depth Guide” is a detailed book that teaches you about a special treatment that helps make droopy eyelids firm and youthful again. It’s like a magic trick using light to fix saggy eyelids!Eyelid Surgery Duration is the time it takes to complete an eyelid surgery, usually about 1 to 3 hours. It’s like watching a movie, but instead, a doctor is fixing your eyelids.“Local Chalazion Operation Pricing” is the cost of a small surgery to remove a lump in your eyelid. It’s like finding out how much you have to pay to get a bothersome pebble out of your shoe!

Call to Action

If you’re considering eyelid surgery to make your eyes appear bigger, reach out to Dr. Tarek’s office to schedule a consultation.

FAQs: Enhancing Your Eyes with Plastic Surgery

Dr. Tarek answers additional questions to provide you with a clearer understanding of the procedure.

Eyelid surgery offers long-lasting results, though the aging process will continue to affect the skin and tissues around the eyes.

Yes, it’s common to combine eyelid surgery with other facial rejuvenation procedures for a more comprehensive transformation.

There is no “best” age for eyelid surgery; it depends on individual concerns and goals.

Preparation includes following pre-operative instructions, arranging for post-surgery care, and setting realistic expectations.

Selecting a qualified plastic surgeon involves researching credentials, experience, and patient testimonials.