Facelift Surgery Scars


Facelift surgery, a procedure to reduce visible signs of aging, has become increasingly popular for those seeking a more youthful appearance. However, an essential aspect often overlooked is the potential for scarring. Understanding these scars is crucial for anyone considering this transformative journey.

Facelift Surgery Scars: An Overview

Facelift surgery scars are the marks left behind after the surgical incisions heal. These scars vary depending on the specific facelift technique used.

Types of Scars Associated with Facelift Procedures

  • Hypertrophic scars: Raised and red scars that may become prominent.
  • Atrophic scars: Depressed scars that can appear as indentations in the skin.
  • Hyperpigmented scars: Scars that are darker than the surrounding skin.

Types of Facelift Surgery Scars

Facelift TypeScar LocationDescription
SMAS FaceliftAround the ears and hairlineIncisions made in the skin to tighten underlying muscles and remove excess skin
Deep Plane FaceliftSimilar to SMAS, possibly deeperInvolves repositioning of muscles and fat as well as skin removal
Short Scar FaceliftIn front of the earLimited incision for less invasive tightening and lifting

The Facelift Procedure and Scarring

The facelift procedure involves making incisions, typically around the hairline and ears, to tighten and remove excess skin.

Common Incision Techniques and Their Impact on Scarring

  • Traditional incisions: Often result in scars along the hairline and behind the ears.
  • Limited incisions: May lead to less noticeable scarring due to smaller cuts.
  • Endoscopic facelift: Involves minimal incisions and potentially less scarring.

Immediate Post-Operative Expectations

After facelift surgery, patients can expect some swelling and bruising, with scars initially appearing red and somewhat raised.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Initial Appearance of Scars and Normal Healing Processes

  • Week 1: Scars are most noticeable and may feel tight.
  • Week 2-4: Redness starts to fade, and scars begin to flatten.

Types of Facelift Scars

Facelift scars differ based on the surgical technique used.

SMAS Facelift Scars

  • Located in the hairline and extend around the ears.
  • Can be camouflaged within the hairline and natural skin creases.

Deep Plane Facelift Scars

  • Similar to SMAS scars but may extend deeper.
  • Require meticulous surgical technique for discreet healing.

Short Scar Facelift Scars

  • Shorter scars that are limited to the area around the ear.
  • Ideal for patients with less skin laxity.

Minimizing the Appearance of Facelift Scars

Proper scar care is essential for minimizing their appearance post-surgery.

Best Practices for Scar Care Post-Surgery

  • Keep the incision site clean and dry.
  • Apply prescribed scar treatment creams or silicone sheets.
  • Avoid sun exposure to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Professional Treatments for Scar Minimization

  • Laser therapy to reduce redness and improve texture.
  • Steroid injections for hypertrophic scars.
  • Microneedling to stimulate collagen and improve scar appearance.

Facelift Recovery Timeline and Scar Healing

The healing process is gradual, with scars maturing and becoming less noticeable over time.

Week 1 to 4: The Critical Healing Phase

  • Close monitoring of incisions for any signs of infection.
  • Gentle care to avoid stress on the healing scars.

Week 5 to 12: Observing Scar Maturation and Fading

  • Scars start to lighten in color and flatten.
  • Continued use of scar treatments as recommended by the surgeon.

Longevity of Facelift Results and Scarring

Facelift results can last for many years, and scars typically continue to improve and become less visible over time.

The Evolution of Facelift Scars Over Time

  • First year: Most significant improvements in scar appearance.
  • Following years: Scars soften and pigment gradually normalizes.

Scar Revision Techniques

For scars that do not heal as expected, revision techniques are available.

Overview of Scar Revision Options

  • Surgical revision to remove or reposition the scar.
  • Dermal fillers to elevate atrophic scars.

When to Consider Scar Revision After a Facelift

  • If scars are prominent or cause discomfort after one year.
  • If the patient is dissatisfied with the aesthetic outcome.

Choosing the Right Facelift Technique with Dr. Tarek

Dr. Tarek carefully evaluates each patient to determine the most appropriate facelift technique to minimize scarring.

Factors to Consider for the Best Facelift Approach

  • Skin quality and elasticity.
  • Individual anatomy and facial structure.
  • Patient’s aesthetic goals and expectations.

How Dr. Tarek Personalizes Facelift Procedures to Minimize Scarring

  • Utilizes advanced incision techniques.
  • Employs meticulous surgical methods to ensure minimal tension on the skin.

FAQs on Facelift Surgery Scars

Facelift scars typically take about one year to fade significantly, with continued improvements over time.

While facelift scars cannot be completely eliminated, they can often be concealed within the hairline and natural skin folds.

The best scar care includes keeping the area clean, protecting it from the sun, and following your surgeon’s specific aftercare instructions.


Facelift surgery scars are a natural part of the healing process, and with proper care and technique, they can be minimized effectively. Embracing the healing journey is key to achieving the best possible aesthetic results.

Call to Action

Ready to explore your facelift options with minimal scarring? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tarek today for personalized advice and expert care tailored to your unique needs.

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