How To Know If A Tummy Tuck Is Right For You

A tummy tuck removes sagging skin and excess fat to create a smoother, firmer surface and shape of the abdomen. Here’s how to tell if a tummy tuck is right for you.

Are you considering a tummy tuck? If so, you’ve got questions. The biggest one is: is this even right for me? 

It is a question that most women ask themselves at some time. It is an important decision you will live with for the rest of your life. You want to make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and that if you decide to go ahead, you will recognize all of the risks associated with surgical procedures.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that addresses the excess skin and fat left behind after significant weight loss or pregnancy. 

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This procedure removes your abdomen’s excess skin and tissue to create a flat and toned appearance. It’s an invasive procedure involving an incision in your abdominal wall and pulling the skin down over your muscles before removing any extra tissue.

While this is certainly an option in some cases, Dr. Tarek is an expert in body contouring procedures and can help you determine if a tummy tuck is right for your goals in Dubai.

Below are several factors to consider.

You’re wearing maternity clothes months after having a baby

If you wear maternity clothes months after having a baby, your tummy may not be the same as before. You may have lost the baby weight, but pregnancy and childbirth can result in loose or sagging skin or an enlarged belly button (umbilicus).

If these changes bother you, consider having a tummy tuck. You can’t remove the stretch marks or force the stretched-out skin back to its original position. You may have tried diet and exercise with little success. In some cases, excess skin won’t respond.

You have loose skin or abdominal muscles.

If you’ve recently lost weight or had a baby, you may find that your skin isn’t as tight as it once was. If this applies to you, then a tummy tuck may be what the doctor ordered to help you get into shape! The procedure removes excess fat and skin while tightening the underlying abdominal muscles.

See related: Impact of smoking on tummy tuck

Your skin is lax and has excess fat

Multiple pregnancies, significant weight loss, or natural aging can cause skin laxity around the abdominal area. Abdominoplasty can tighten loose skin and remove stubborn fat deposits that haven’t responded well to diet and exercise alone.

You’re in good health 

Any type of surgical procedure comes with some risk. That’s why you must be in good general health before undergoing any cosmetic surgery procedure. Make sure you’ve discussed any pre-existing conditions or serious health problems with your doctor and have taken steps to manage them.

You’ve lost weight. 

Suppose you’ve recently lost a large amount of weight, whether through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery. A tummy tuck may be an option for you if you’re unhappy with the appearance of your abdomen after weight loss. A tummy tuck can help remove excess skin and fat after patients lose weight.

You don’t plan on getting more kids

Tummy tucks are major, life-altering surgeries, but they can become even more significant if you decide to have another child after the procedure. Pregnancy after a tummy tuck can stretch the skin and muscles and undo many of the results of your surgery. If you still want to bear children, it’s a good idea to postpone a tummy tuck.

You are not confident with your body

Loose skin, stretch marks, and excess fat can all cause you to feel insecure about your stomach area. You might also have residual scarring from an old C-section or other types of surgery. A tummy tuck can help you achieve a flatter belly and regain your confidence if this is the case.

You often avoid certain activities or situations due to the way you look in clothes (or out of them). When you aren’t happy with the way you look, it can affect every aspect of your life — how you dress, how much time you spend exercising, and even how much time you spend getting ready each morning. But when you finally feel good about the way you look in your clothes, it helps lift your spirits — both at home and at work.

See related: Do you need a second tummy tuck

You have tried other methods, but nothing seems to work.

If you have gone through exercise and diet regimens but failed, it might be time to consider liposuction or a tummy tuck. You will never know unless you try. You can discuss with your doctor if these procedures are best for you and if they can produce the results you want for your body.

Now that you know what to expect from a tummy tuck, the next question is whether or not this procedure is correct for you. Consult with one of the best surgeons in Dubai, Dr.Tarek. He is board-certified and known for his expertise in tummy tuck surgery.  Find out about the cost of Tummy Tuck In Dubai.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have extra fat or loose skin in your midsection, that won’t disappear even after diet and continuous exercise.

A tummy tuck is a highly customizable procedure — there are many ways to tailor it to meet your individual needs. It can be as minor or major as you want, and you can combine it with other procedures like liposuction to target specific problem areas. 

It’s best to be at least 18 years old before getting a tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure. It removes excess skin and fat resistant to diet and exercise. You may lose anywhere from a few pounds to twenty pounds following surgery.

Yes, there will be scars from the incisions made during surgery. We do our best to ensure they get placed in discreet locations where they are easily concealed with clothing. Over time, your scars should fade significantly.