Have you grown sick of those swelling legs and arms containing excessive fat? If yes, liposuction for lymphedema is the perfect answer to your problem.

Lymphedema is a chronic swelling condition caused by the accumulation of lymphatic fluid. Initially, the patient develops a little swelling on his arms, legs or any other body part, which keeps on getting bigger over time. 

The skin gets hardened, affecting its natural glow. It restricts the show of emotions. The clothes and jewellery don’t fit. The patient feels burdened and susceptible to recurring infections. Currently, there are more than 250 Million people suffering from lymphedema.The situation demands a solution, this is where liposuction comes into play.  

What is liposuction for lymphedema?

Liposuction is a minimalistic invasive procedure to remove fat from the body. The technique has shown 10% accuracy against advanced forms of lymphedema. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the excess fat caused by lymphatic cells. 

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It is an outdoor procedure with a quick recovery time. However, to perform that you need a qualified surgeon with a handful of experience.  If you are a UAE resident, go no further than Dr Tarek  Aesthetics to completely transform your body.  

How effective is liposuction treatment for lymphedema?

The effectiveness of liposuction depends upon your lymphedema stage. Lymphedema can be classified into 3 stages.

In the first stage, the patient only observes swelling caused by an excess lymphatic fluid. In the second stage, the swelled area gets firm and hardened, indicating that the fluid has started to turn into fat. In the third and last stage, the skin becomes very firm and irresistible. The limbs get excessive volume, composed of excessive fats.

The traditional curing techniques only work for the first two stages. But for advanced forms, liposuction is the best solution. The method has shown a 100% success rate in removing excessive fat from adipose tissues. 

So, if you are suffering from stage 3 lymphedema, you should always choose liposuction over any other method.Also, you can’t do liposuction on hands and feet. These Parts don’t develop fat deposits. Find here the cost of liposuction in UAE

What is the procedure for general liposuction treatment for lymphedema?

Before going towards the procedure, you must know that a decision for liposuction should only be made after consultation with a certified medical specialist. The doctor considers the age, lymphedema intensity, body type and medical conditions before giving the green signal for liposuction. 

The process is quite simple. The surgeon uses an anaesthetic injection to prevent pain during the procedure. After that, he makes a series of incisions around the circumference of the affected limb. Through this, a cannula is inserted for the suction of fats. After that, the suction starts. Once the fat gets removed, you can take out the cannula.

During the procedure, the cuts should be tiny. So, there is no need for stitching. After the operation, the patient has to wear a compression garment for 24 hours. The purpose is to stop bleeding and remove postoperative swelling.

 After 24 hours, the surgeon will suggest a 5-7 day stay in the hospital before discharge. He will also guide you about what food items you should intake and what should be avoided. The goal is to eat maximum protein with minimal fat. For long-term benefits, it is important to follow the recommended diet plan.

What are the pros of Liposuction for Lymphedema?

If the liposuction is done by a qualified professional on the right candidate following the pre and postoperative guidelines, it provides these key advantages.

  • Significant Fat Reduction
  • Healthier Skin and Higher Mobility
  • Low-Risk of Infections
  • Long-term Solution
  • Significant Fat Reduction

Liposuction can remove undesired fats to a great degree. These fats are a risk of cardiovascular diseases like a heart attacks. With liposuction, all such elements are taken out of the system.

  •  Healthier Skin and Higher Mobility

The lymphedema affects the skin quality and freshness. The thick and hard skin causes a plethora of problems. You struggle to communicate and express yourself with facial and body language. You appear old and fatigued. 

With liposuction, you can get back your glow and youthful looks. 

  • Low-Risk of Infections

liposuction drops the risk of continuous infections by 65% or more. The secret to date lies in blood flow. With better blood flow, there is lesser compression of lymphatic vessels.S, the production of lymph fluid also decreases. 

As a result, no fats are deposited, resulting in lower infections.

  • Long-term Solution

If the post-procedure instructions are followed, liposuction can serve you for a long time. The procedure drops the unwanted limbs. If you follow the right diet with exercises, the fat will not return.

See related: Liposuction for lipomas

What are the cons of Liposuction for Lymphedema?

There are certain short-term and long-term negative effects that liposuction can cause. All of this occurs due to negligence on either the patient’s or surgeon’s part.

The cons include

  • Excessive Pain
  • Skin Numbness
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Irritation

The pain can occur if the cuts are of irregular size. However, skin numbness and pain are short-term problems.

The bleeding can be an issue if your skin is too soft. For that, you should discuss the operation and rehab plan prior to finalization. Some skins get affected, however, it isn’t very common. The irritation is caused by the garment, which the subject has to wear for 24 days. But it is a minor issue. 

You may want to know about Liposuction After Effects


lymphedema affects your life in multiple ways. It causes swelling, skin hardness, continuous infections and frustration. To cure that, you should have liposuction. The procedure is quick with long-term benefits.

For quality and certified liposuction treatment, contact here to book an appointment here at Dr Tarek, one of the top liposuction surgeons in UAE.  


The long-term results haven’t indicated the return of any type of swelling. So, if you follow the post-procedure guidelines, you can stay safe from its effects.

The affected limbs stay swollen for a period of around 6 months. During this period, the patient is advised to keep the garment in that region. Once the limb adopts to new compression, you can take the garment off.

Yes, it can affect the body. If not performed as per standards, the process can cause excessive bleeding and skin infections. For that, it is important to get the services of a qualified professional.