Nano Fat Grafting Cost In Dubai

Before undergoing nano fat grafting, knowing the cost is crucial. How much does nano fat grafting cost? What affects the cost of the procedure? Find out below. 

Nano fat grafting is a loved procedure by many patients due to the simplicity of the procedure and lower risks than other forms of fat transfer procedures. Also, the fact that it is non-invasive assures that there will not be much risk of infection. Fortunately, most nano fat grafting procedures only require one session, costing less than other procedures. 

Nano fat grafting involves the transfer of fat from an area of high concentration of fat to sunken or droopy regions of your face. When a person ages, their skin naturally loses elasticity, making it develop saggy skin, which is not as visually pleasing. 

However, it is essential to note that the cost of nano fat grafting is affected by various factors, including where the procedure should be performed and the surgeon’s experience.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Nanno Fat Graft in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

What is the Cost of Nano Fat Grafting in Dubai?

The general cost of nano fat grafting ranges from 7,346 AED to 25,711 AED, depending on the surgeon and the procedure complexity. The price is relatively lower than other procedures because it is permanent, requiring little to no follow-up surgeries. 

Nano fat grafting costs also depend on which area a patient wants to be operated on. Some of the sites are as follows:

Thinning lipsAED 7,999 to AED 13,999
Facial scarsAED 499 to AED 2,500
Forehead linesAED 950 to AED 1,500
Mouth linesAED 999 to AED 2,999
Facial depressionsAED 300 to AED 1,000
Cheek foldsAED 2,000 to AED 2,500

Before undergoing nano fat grafting, it is crucial to understand which part a patient wants and how much it would cost. The approach saves time and promises terrific results.

What Affects the Cost of Nano Fat Grafting? 

Nano fat grafting cost is affected by several factors. These factors are explained below in detail.

The Expertise and Qualifications of the Surgeon

Other procedures, like dermal filler injection, can be done by a nurse or the surgeon’s assistant since it only requires a single injection. Nano fat grafting requires surgery; hence, a board-certified surgeon is needed. Dr. Tarek is one of Dubai’s top plastic surgeons known for his exceptional, successful operations, especially in facial rejuvenation and body contouring. 

The cost is also determined by the surgeon’s years or decades of experience. If a surgeon has a gallery showing before and after pictures of his previous patients, then it is likely that a patient will be charged more for the procedure. The photos are used to show the surgeon’s credibility.

The Complexity of the Procedure

The cost will be slightly higher when a patient requires a procedure to be done in a problematic area. The reason is areas like under the eyes are sensitive and need a lot of care during and after nano fat grafting. Another factor affecting the cost of nano-fat grafting is the quantity of fat transferred. If the targeted area requires a lot of fat, it means fat will be suctioned from an area with high concentration, requiring precision and eventually an increase in cost. The success of nano fat grafting depends on the technique used in harvesting fat, tools used in fat purification, and the reinjection technique. Different purification and filtration tools are also used to determine the price.

Location of the Clinic

Facial fat transfer done in high-cost living areas will likely charge more for the procedure. On the other hand, areas with a low cost of living will have a lesser price. Patients must familiarize themselves with the location of their clinic to determine the cost of nano fat grafting. 

Liposuction and nano fat grafting are procedures that require a large operating room. Because of this, the hospital will charge a higher amount of money. Finding a surgeon with a private clinic will be cheaper than hospitals to curb this situation. 

The Type of Anesthesia

Since nano fat grafting is a surgery, anesthesia is commonly used. The anesthesia comes as an additional charge to the total cost of the procedure. The total price is also affected by the person administering the anesthesia. If a nurse helps, the cost will be slightly lower than a surgeon. 

What Does Nano Fat Grafting Cost Include?

With the high cost of nano fat grafting, understanding what comes with the price is essential. The following are some of the inclusions:

  • Local anesthesia
  • Follow-up appointments
  • Facility fees for surgery
  • Lab work and medical tests
  • Recovery supplies, for example, a compression garment
  • Surgeon’s fee.

Is Nano Fat Grafting Worth the Cost?

For most patients, facial rejuvenation has proved to be their saving grace.

Patients report achieving their desired results after a single nano fat grafting procedure. The majority of these patients did not need any follow-up procedures.

However, not all patients were pleased with their outcomes. Some have complained about uneven and distorted features developing after nano fat grafting. The other complaints include extreme swelling and persistent appearance of lumps and bumps. Finding a surgeon with enough experience in nano fat grafting, like Dr. Tarek, is imperative. 

Where is Nano Fat Grafting Affordable in Dubai?

There are several clinics offering nano fat grafting in Dubai. D.r Tarek is one of the most trusted surgeons in Dubai, and his services never disappoint. His before and after pictures of patients are a testimony of his work. Dr. Tarek’s prices are reasonably priced compared to the service provided.


Nano fat grafting is a permanent procedure that proves to help people in reviving their youthful look. For this reason, the cost tends to be slightly higher than other procedures. Factors affecting the price include the amount of fat transferred, the surgeon’s experience, the procedure’s complexity, and others. Dedicated to decades of excellence in health and beauty, Dr. Tarek Bayazid offers a wide selection of modern aesthetic procedures, like nano fat grafting. His dedication to being at the forefront of his expertise has resulted in tremendous results for his clients. Dr. Tarek is a member of the most prestigious plastic surgery societies in the world: the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), The International Society of Aesthetics Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS), and the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC). 

Frequently Asked Questions

Nano fat grafting is cheap in areas where the cost of living is lower than in other areas,

Insurance cannot cover the cost of nano fat grafting because it is a cosmetic procedure. A patient will have to pay from their own pockets.

There is no way of determining the most expensive area to operate. However, the cost will be high if the targeted area needs a lot of attention.

Nano fat grafting cost depends on the hospital to perform the procedure. Although, in most hospitals, the prices can start from $2500.

Nano fat grafting comes at a high cost because it involves an operation to be effective. The results are permanent; hence the price of the procedure will likely be increased.

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