Ptosis And Blepharoplasty

Ptosis, commonly known as droopy eyelids, and blepharoplasty ( eyelid surgery ) are topics of significant importance for patients seeking facial rejuvenation treatments in Dubai. This comprehensive guide delves into the key considerations around ptosis, blepharoplasty, and finding the right plastic surgeon for these facial procedures in the UAE.

Understanding Ptosis and Its Causes

Ptosis refers to a drooping or falling of the upper eyelids, which can affect one or both eyes. It typically occurs from one of these factors:

  • Ageing and muscle stretching/fatigue – The levator muscle that lifts the eyelid can stretch and lose elasticity over time. Ptosis often emerges in later adulthood due to years of using these muscles.
  • Trauma/injury – Accidents or injuries around the eye/eyelid area can damage the levator muscle or nervous connections, resulting in acquired ptosis.
  • Medical conditions – Diseases like stroke, tumour, neurodegenerative disease, or diabetes can contribute to ptosis development.
  • Congenital ptosis – A small percentage of ptosis cases exist from birth, often traced to underdeveloped levator muscles or damaged nerves.

The severity of ptosis ranges considerably among patients. Mild cases showcase slightly lowered eyelids, while advanced ptosis can cover a large portion of the eye, obstructing vision. The key is evaluating the degree of visual obstruction and aesthetic impairment to determine suitable treatment options.

How Blepharoplasty Surgery Treats Ptosis and Excess Eyelid Skin

How Blepharoplasty Surgery Treats Ptosis And Excess Eyelid Skin

For mild to moderate ptosis without severe vision blockage, blepharoplasty can successfully correct droopy eyelids and create a more youthful, refreshed look around the eyes. It works by:

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Eyelid Surgery in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
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  • Removing excess skin/fa t – Eliminates sagging skin and deposits that weigh down the eyelids over time.
  • Lifting & tightening – Eyelid muscles and ligaments are tightened, often along with a brow lift, for optimal rejuvenation results.
  • Reshaping contours – Customise contours for each patient for an aesthetically pleasing upper eyelid appearance.

Blepharoplasty represents one of the most popular and effective facial procedures for both functional and cosmetic improvement around the eye region, providing natural-looking outcomes.

Types of Blepharoplasty Procedures

There are a few different categories and approaches to blepharoplasty surgery:

Type of Blepharoplasty Description Purpose
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Involves removing excess skin, fat, and muscle from the upper eyelids. Primarily to improve the field of vision and aesthetic appearance.
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Addresses under-eye bags, wrinkles, and excess skin on the lower eyelids. Aimed at rejuvenating the area below the eyes.
Double Eyelid Surgery Creates a crease in the upper eyelid in people who lack one naturally. Popular in East Asia for aesthetic reasons, giving the appearance of larger, more open eyes.
Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty Removes or repositions fat in the lower eyelid through an incision inside the eyelid. Reduces under-eye bags with minimal scarring and no skin removal.
Functional Blepharoplasty Performed to remove vision obstructions caused by droopy eyelids. To improve peripheral vision and overall eye function.
Asian Blepharoplasty Tailored for Asian eyelids, it can involve creating a double eyelid or removing excess tissue. To enhance the natural features of Asian eyelids, often for aesthetic enhancement.
Revision Blepharoplasty Corrective surgery for issues arising from previous eyelid surgeries. To address complications or unsatisfactory results from earlier procedures.

This table provides a basic overview of the various blepharoplasty procedures, each tailored to specific aesthetic or functional needs.

Recovery Timeline After Ptosis and Blepharoplasty Procedures

Recovering from ptosis and blepharoplasty procedures involves a structured timeline to ensure optimal healing and results. Below is an informative table outlining this recovery process:

Time After Surgery Expected Recovery Milestones
24-48 Hours Swelling and bruising peak; rest with head elevated.
1 Week Removal of stitches; noticeable reduction in swelling.
2 Weeks The majority of bruising resolved; return to non-strenuous work.
1 Month Most swelling subsides; gradual return to normal activities.
3-6 Months The final results are visible; scars begin to fade significantly.
1 Year Complete healing and scar maturation.

This table provides a general guide to the recovery timeline following ptosis and blepharoplasty procedures. It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and following the surgeon’s post-operative care instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery and the best possible outcome.

Choosing the Best Ptosis and Blepharoplasty Surgeon in Dubai

Choosing The Best Ptosis And Blepharoplasty Surgeon In Dubai

Selecting a proper surgeon represents the most vital decision for successful ptosis correction or blepharoplasty in the UAE. Key traits that indicate expertise and elite patient results include:

  • Specialisation in eyelids and orbital region – A dedicated oculoplastic surgeon possesses advanced knowledge of eyelid anatomy needed for both aesthetic enhancement and functionality (vision, blinking, tear production).
  • Customised care and planning – The surgeon thoroughly evaluates your unique facial structure, eyelid condition, and visual impairment to determine optimal procedures.
  • Artistic eye for precision and beauty – The results showcase a rejuvenated, positive appearance aligned with your natural facial contours and desired outcomes.
  • Continuous education and skill advancement – Invests extensive time into mastering the latest ptosis repair and blepharoplasty techniques.

Dr. Tarek Bayazid exemplifies these qualities that distinguish exceptional ptosis/blepharoplasty surgeons. Recognised for his facial rejuvenation expertise and patient-first approach, Dr Tarek delivers precise yet natural-looking outcomes tailored to your unique anatomy and objectives. is a simple way to make your eyes look brighter and more awake without surgery. It’s like a magic trick for your face! is a way to fix droopy eyelids without surgery, making you look more awake and youthful. It’s a safe method that can change how you look and boost your confidence.“Transform Your Appearance: Non-Surgical Ptosis Correction” “Blood Thinners and Blepharoplasty” “Revitalize Your Image: Non-Surgical Ptosis Remedy” is a way to fix droopy eyelids without needing surgery. It helps you look fresh and awake again!Coagulants are substances that help blood to clot or thicken, and Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that fixes droopy eyelids. So, coagulants can be used in Blepharoplasty to control bleeding.


Whether seeking to eliminate droopy eyelids for improved vision or achieve a refreshed, youthful eye appearance, ptosis repair and blepharoplasty represent proven solutions. As a premier Dubai plastic surgeon specialising in these facial rejuvenation procedures, Dr Tarek Bayazid provides customised surgical plans and elite-level technical skills for natural-looking outcomes tailored to your unique facial anatomy.

Book a consultation today with Dr Tarek Bayazid , one of Dubai’s most respected ptosis/blepharoplasty specialists, to determine how these procedures can actualise your aesthetic goals and outlook moving forward!

Frequently Asked Questions on Ptosis and Blepharoplasty (FAQs)

Still have some lingering questions about ptosis, blepharoplasty, and finding the right Dubai surgeon? These common FAQs provide helpful answers:

When performed solely for cosmetic reasons, health insurance typically does not include blepharoplasty coverage. However, severely droopy eyelids blocking vision may qualify under reconstructive surgery benefits.

Most patients experience moderate bruising and swelling for 1-2 weeks post-surgery. Strenuous activities should be avoided for ~4 weeks. Final results emerge in 6+ weeks.

As with any surgery, risks like infection, bleeding, capsular contracture, and scarring can occur but are uncommon with an elite surgeon. Minor asymmetry or vision dryness may emerge during the initial recovery period.

In some cases, drooping and wrinkles recur 5-10 years later from continued muscle/tissue ageing. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can sustain results from a quality blepharoplasty procedure.

Yes, since ptosis causes functional visual impairment in many cases, leading insurance providers do classify ptosis surgery as reconstructive rather than cosmetic.