Requirements For Tummy Tuck

Loose skin, excess fat, and weak abdominal muscles make you a great candidate for a tummy tuck. Body contouring has come a long way in solving aesthetic dissatisfaction. Tummy tucks are a permanent solution for women and men looking to get rid of extra skin and fat. Women get the result of taut, slim abdomens. Men define their abdominal muscles, achieving that coveted “six-pack” look. 

Having a tummy tuck requires a lifestyle change afterward. It also requires you to have gone through big life events such as pregnancy and weight loss. The results of a tummy tuck are not hard to maintain if all the surgeon’s advice is followed. This article explains what the requirements for a tummy tuck are. 

Keep reading to know more about your eligibility for a tummy tuck and the risks involved.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a major surgery to trim the waistline and abdomen. A surgeon cuts excess skin and fat through an incision from hip to hip. They will tighten the abdominal muscles and freeze fat cells to prevent the reaccumulation of fat. This procedure exists for both women and men. 

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

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During surgery, a surgeon will place the patient under general anesthesia. The procedure takes 1 to 4 hours, depending on the type of tummy tuck you’re having. 

While you can have a tummy tuck after a pregnancy, it only targets the abdomen. A mommy makeover may suit you better to tackle other problem areas such as breasts.

Requirements for a tummy tuck surgery

While tummy tucks exist for both men and women, certain factors make you an ideal candidate for a successful surgery and recovery. The requirements for a tummy tuck are: 

  • You are physically healthy.

You should be of sound health, with no circulatory or respiratory issues. Your blood, heart, and lungs should be able to clot well and handle decreased oxygen and blood levels during surgery. You shouldn’t be under any medication that could interfere with the anesthesia or thin the blood.  

  • You aren’t planning to lose more weight.

This surgery is perfect if you are close to your weight goal. Embarking on a drastic weight loss journey afterward will leave you with more loose skin that needs surgery to excise. Knowing how to lose weight in good time is key as it is a long process. 

  • You don’t plan to get pregnant.

Pregnancy expands the abdominal muscle and stretches the skin. It would negate the effects of a tummy tuck requiring you to get another later. 

  • You have realistic expectations.

A tummy tuck is not intended as a weight loss procedure, so don’t expect drastic changes. It only addresses excess fat and skin left after losing significant body weight.

How can you prepare for a tummy tuck if you meet the requirements?

Preparation is a crucial part of planning for surgery. Inadequate planning can potentially delay your recovery or impact the surgery itself. 

  • Conduct intense research about surgeons months before. A highly experienced surgeon will prevent post-surgery risks such as internal hernias.
  • Stop alcohol intake and smoking. Alcohol thins your blood making it hard for it to clot around wounds. Nicotine thins your blood vessels making it hard for blood to flow to your organs.
  • Get a medical evaluation. Your doctor and surgeon must ensure you’re not allergic to anesthesia. They need to check whether your heart and lungs can handle a drop in blood and oxygen supply during surgery. 
  • Plan for extra help during recovery. You will need someone to pick you up at the hospital. You will also have to find help with your chores around the house to minimize strain on your abdomen.
  • Research about different surgery prices. The billable cost depends on factors such as the type of procedure and the surgeon performing it. Information about the cost of a tummy tuck will help you better prepare for the procedure. The linked article also shares useful tips on how to save costs effectively.
  • Understand the recovery process. Recovery after a tummy tuck is a vital phase of your transformation. You need to be aware of practices that can ease or prolong healing. You also need to have an idea of the post-operative instructions your surgeon may recommend you follow. 

What are the risks of a tummy tuck if you do not meet the requirements?

If you undergo the procedure when you’re not eligible, serious risks could occur. It may require further surgery to fix these problems. Some of these risks are

  • Tissue necrosis

Necrosis is the death of tissue and cells from injury, radiation, or chemicals. During surgery, blood vessels can get injured and cut off blood and oxygen flow to the tissue. Surgery cannot reverse tissue necrosis; a surgeon must remove the dead tissue. 

  • Fluid accumulation

Fluid (seroma) can build up between the scar tissue in the abdomen. The buildup is visible as a bump; a surgeon must drain it and excise the scar tissue. 

  • Change in skin sensation

Skin sensation gets affected when nerves become constricted or damaged. You may notice numbness that improves in two to six months post-surgery. If it lasts, a doctor will administer medication to treat it or take you through physical therapy. 

  • Hernia formation

A hernia is the protrusion of organs or tissues through weakened muscles. The abdominal muscle may weaken after surgery, and organs such as the intestines push through. The only way to treat hernias is through surgery. 

See related: Tummy tuck or body lift


Body contouring looks to give you the body you always wanted. A tummy tuck will permanently solve problem areas that impact your aesthetic. Dr. Tarek Bayazid will help you prepare for the procedure and ease your mind about any worries. He will consider your lifestyle and expectations to advise you on what type of tummy tuck will best fit you. 

His patient-focused approach and dedication to being at the forefront of his expertise have resulted in unsurpassed outcomes. Visit the tummy tuck gallery to get pictorial proof of his exemplary work. 

Book a consultation for abdominoplasty today to speak with Dr. Tarek. He is a surgeon with fifteen years in the industry of Plastic Aesthetic Surgery.

Frequently asked questions

You need a tummy tuck if you have lost weight, have excess skin and fat, or have weak abdominal muscles. Liposuction may be what you need if you have significant stubborn fat.

You have to be 20 pounds or less away from your ideal weight. A significant change in weight after surgery can leave excess skin or weak abdominal muscles. If you’re thin, your surgeon has to ensure you have enough skin to stretch and have a well-placed scar.

The best time to get a tummy tuck is if you’re done with pregnancy, and you’re done with your weight loss journey. Both these life changes can erase the effect of the tummy tuck. You can have another procedure after pregnancy or a significant weight change.