Does the type of implant you have during breast augmentation matter? Many would ask this question, which is essential because, depending on the intensity of the procedure and your aesthetic goals, your cosmetic surgeon would advise better.

This article will look at Textured breast implants vs. nano-textured breast implants. Read on to learn more about their placement, the procedure, and how these implants benefit the look and feel of your breasts. 

Textured Breast ImplantsNano Textured Breast Implants
Have a rough surface that’s compared to sandpaperThey have a smoother surface
Their surfaces adhere to the breast tissue to prevent movementTheir smooth surface may become displaced and move outside the capsule
Constantly ripple and have a shorter-lasting periodHave less risk of rippling

How do breast implants help your breasts look more attractive?

Are you looking for ways to get beautiful breasts? Certain things are recommended to help keep the breasts attractive, some of them include limiting sun exposure, moisturizing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, these may not always suffice, especially when struggling with sagging breasts that could lower self-esteem. Breast augmentation with breast implants is a procedure you can consider which has the below benefits. 

  • Smooth breast implants help you make a curvier body with no added weight

Skinny women desire to look curvier without wanting to add weight. Implants are available not only to make your breasts look fuller and rounder, but they can also add curves to your desired areas without gaining weight. 

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Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Breast Augmentation in Dubai

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  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
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  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC
  • Breast augmentation with implants gives symmetrical breasts 

Saggy breasts tend to affect the whole appearance of your body, especially the shape. Conventional textured implants are excellent to use during plastic surgery. You will not only gain symmetrical breasts, but your whole body shape will also be symmetrical, making you look more attractive. 

How do you transition from textured to nanotextured implants?

When you compare a textured breast implant’s surface to sandpaper, the textured breast implant is rougher. Its rough surface prevents the breast tissue from freely moving around within the breast. 

The one major benefit of a textured implant is that the rigidity in movement helps to keep the breast tissue intact, preventing the breast from looking non-symmetrical. Like other breast implants, textured implants have either saline or silicone gel on their surface. 

Nano-textured implants are also known as smooth surface implants. They have a slippery and smooth surface, making them easy for patients to identify. The nano-textured implants have mostly capsular contractures with silicone to reduce patient complications once inserted into the breast.

When looking to transition from a breast implant surface that is textured to a nanotextured group of implants, you could consider a few methods like direct replacement surgery, two-stage surgery, or complete implant removal. You can also have the cosmetic surgeon remove the textured implants and replace them with saline or silicone breast implants. 

After textured implant removal, you can undergo breast lift surgery. The use of smooth implants, as compared to textured implants, gives your breasts a natural look and feel. 

What are the factors that determine the type of implant for your breasts?

It is always essential to consult with your plastic surgeon before using silicone implants, saline implants, or any other type of breast implant. Below are a few factors you can consider to help you make a good decision.

  • Breast size

Considering the size of your breast is the very first important factor to consider. It applies to any implant type. For example, using a textured implant or a nano-textured implant that is too large on a huge breast is ineffective. The implant may not serve its aesthetic purpose as it does not properly sit on the breast tissue. 

  • Type of implant

Do you want a silicone or saline implant on your breast? These two breast implants have different textures. Patients who underwent breast augmentation with either saline or breast implants can confirm that silicone ones are smooth and give the breast a natural look. 

They also have a lower rippling rate, as confirmed by most surgeons in the field of plastic surgery. Saline implants, on the other hand, have a rougher textured surface. They are rigid and do not move freely within the breast.

  • Breast implant shape

Considering the breast implant shape before the procedure is essential because it will determine how your breasts will look eventually. Getting the right shape means a greater aesthetic look and an overall improved body shape. 

What is the use of saline in the textured implant?

It’s important to remember that textured breast implants have a silicone outer shell that the plastic surgeon will inject into your breasts if you choose to utilize them for breast augmentation. Your breasts will fill out to the ideal size and form with the help of sterile salt or saline water. 

What is the use of silicone gel nano-textured breast implants?

Your board-certified plastic surgeon should be able to state the difference between saline-filled implants and silicone gel implants. When you choose nano-textured breast implants, you have decided to use smooth implants. The silicone in the outer shell of these implants helps to give your breast a more natural look and feel and is less likely to wrinkle. 


You can get your implants during breast augmentation or reconstructive procedures. However, when choosing between textured implants and nano-textured implants, it is also essential to desire to look more natural. Your cosmetic surgeon may provide a well-detailed explanation of these two implants and, depending on your aesthetic needs, help you choose the right one for your breasts. 

If you are looking for a certified plastic surgeon in Dubai to help with breast implant placement, Dr. Tarek Bayazid is dedicated to excellence in health & beauty. He provides a wide selection of the most sought-after aesthetic procedures of today. His patient-focused approach and dedication to being at the forefront of his expertise have resulted in unsurpassed outcomes for his clients. So, what are you waiting for?  Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tarek Aesthetics today for a quote on either textured or nano-textured breast implants. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Smooth breast implants do not ripple or wrinkle your breast during their period of use. They also make your breasts look and feel natural, enhancing your entire body’s look.

Nano-textured breast implants are safe and also offer your breasts absolute protection. They come with True Monobloc technology and seven layers of a firm cover to keep the implant intact during the period of use.

There have been reports linking textured breast implants to a higher risk of certain complications, such as capsular contracture and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). However, the overall risk of these complications is still considered to be relatively low

Yes, it is possible to switch from textured breast implants to nanotextured breast implants. However, the best approach will depend on your individual situation and should be discussed with your surgeon. In some cases, a two-stage surgery may be recommended.