Bodytite Vs. Liposuction Which Is Right For You

Bodytite and liposuction are procedures you think of when looking for a procedure that will give you an ideal body shape. Which of the two is right for you?

Having loose, saggy skin and excess stubborn fat are two situations that can be extremely bothersome. You indulge in all sorts of activities such as a daily exercise routine and even try to incorporate a healthy diet, hoping that the saggy skin and excess fat will go away. 

Some situations, however, need deeper intervention than exercise and a healthy diet. In this case, it would be best to consult your plastic surgeon to get proper advice on what procedures would work for you. 

We discuss two procedures that would give you a body makeover: Bodytite and liposuction. Read on to find out which would work well for you. 

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Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Liposuction in Dubai

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  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
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Bodytite Vs. Liposuction: Which Procedure Is Best For You?

If you’ve been researching fat reduction procedures, you have probably encountered these two very common procedures: Liposuction and Bodytite. Liposuction surgery is a common procedure that involves the removal of excess fat from specific parts of your body. 

While lipo is not an alternative for weight loss, it contributes to losing weight when a substantial amount of stubborn fat is removed from the incisions made by your plastic surgeon. As you continue extensive research, you will come across a second procedure known as Bodytite. 

Bodytite is a new technology that involves aesthetic fat removal from your body. It’s emerging as a preferred option for patients seeking to get rid of stubborn fats and plastic surgeons. But, what is the difference between lipo and Bodytite procedures? Let’s find out…

Main Differences Between Bodytite and Liposuction Procedures

  • Liposuction is an invasive cosmetic procedure involving larger incision scars, while Bodytite is minimally invasive with minimal scars that fade over time.
  • Bodytite procedure takes less time to administer with minimal downtime. Liposuction, however, may take up to fourteen days to recover. A person who has gone through a Bodytite will heal within seven days. 
  • You will require one session to successfully go through liposuction and two sessions to complete a Bodytite procedure. 
  • You will see the final results of a Bodytite quicker than you will those of liposuction surgery. 
  • Liposuction is not the ideal procedure if looking to tighten your skin except for some slight sagging of your skin after the procedure. Bodytite, on the other hand, includes skin tightening because it’s combined with RF and liposuction procedures.

Benefits of a Bodytite Procedure

Bodytite is a fat removal and skin tightening procedure that focuses on removing stubborn pockets of fat that have become completely resistant to exercise and healthy dieting. It’s a procedure that offers patients who do not qualify for laser liposculpture an ideal body after body contouring with the added benefit of tightening loose skin. 

Its benefits include;

Elimination of stubborn fat

Bodytite is a great non-invasive procedure that helps your plastic surgeon eliminate excess stubborn fat in your body. You can use it to melt stubborn fat from multiple body parts, including the abdomen, breast, arms, thighs, love handles, and knees. 

Skin tightening

Other procedures such as liposuction will only remove excess fat but not tighten your skin after. Bodytite gives both extra fat removal and skin tightening advantages, giving you an ideal body shape. 

Limited downtime

It’s a minimally invasive procedure that requires only 2-10 days to heal, depending on the affected area. You will begin to see the results within 3-6 months. 

Benefits of liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that is slowly gaining popularity. There’s no wonder why. There are many benefits of liposuction you will gain from this procedure, some of them which include; 

Safe removal of fat

One major reason liposuction is becoming popular is how safe it is to go through. One of the best liposuction surgeons in Dubai can confirm that. Small incisions are made on the affected areas, with the plastic surgeon injecting some fluid to anesthetize the sites, which helps break the fatty cells. 

Permanently removes the fat cells.

Another reason why liposuction is becoming a favorite cosmetic procedure is that it removes fat cells permanently. 

Once the plastic surgeon removes these cells, you can rest assured that they will not grow back. It’s important to note that even if fat doesn’t grow back in these areas, it may develop in other areas. Remember to maintain your weight after the liposuction procedure

Fat loss improves your health.

Liposuction removes stubborn fat, which positively impacts your weight, helping to improve your overall health.

Liposuction improves your appearance and how others perceive you.

Many people judge you by your outward appearance. Some will call you’ fat’ or obese; during those times, you are struggling with excess stubborn fat. A successful liposuction procedure improves your overall appearance, and in addition to it, it boosts your self-confidence and esteem. 


Ultimately, you should consult your plastic surgeon on the fat removal procedure best suits your body’s needs. 

Some plastic surgeons will hail the Bodytite procedures, an advanced fat removal procedure available on the market. Other times, the surgeons prefer liposuction based on your body needs, goals, and medical history. 

Dr. Tarek is one of the best plastic surgeons in Dubai who is best placed to advise on what procedure suits you best, between a Bodytite and liposuction. Contact him to schedule an appointment
Find out about the cost of Liposuction In Dubai. Read this article to find out about the price of Bodytite in Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions

Bodytite removes excess stubborn fat resistant to exercise while tightening your skin simultaneously. This procedure has excessive weight loss and improved skin laxity, making it more preferred to traditional lipo.

Most Bodytite swelling will be resolved within 4-6 weeks. You will also begin to see your body taking its new shape with the latest and slim figure.

Your plastic surgeon will recommend that you have the compression garment for at least two weeks after the procedure. The compression garment will help reduce postoperative swelling and patient discomfort during the initial healing phase.