Millions of women worldwide are insecure about their breast size and would love to do something about it. Years ago, breast augmentation was unaffordable. Now any woman can change her breast size via implants.

What are Breast Implants?

A breast implant is a prosthesis that makes your breasts bigger. You can choose between round or teardrop implants to increase your breast size. Breast implants are an excellent way to improve your physical features and gain more self-esteem. In 2021, experts valued the global implants market at $1.8 billion and could reach $4.5 billion by 2031.

Differences between Round and Teardrop Implants

For some people, breast implants are cosmetic, and for others, breast implants are necessary, especially after mastectomies. When considering a breast implant procedure, you can choose between round or teardrop-shaped implants.

Each shape has unique benefits, features, and differences. Here are some things you need to know about teardrop vs round implants.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Breast Augmentation in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC
DifferencesRound ImplantsTeardrop Implants
ShapeRound in shapeNatural teardrop shape
TextureSmooth surface, softer and more elasticTextured, which helps them adhere to adjacent tissue.Feel more natural and firm 
IncisionAround the nipple and less scarring.Under the breast crease for more accuracy
CostCosts lessMore expensive

The Pros and Cons of Round Implants

Breast augmentation differs for every person. Choosing the correct breast implant size and shape is crucial for an excellent final result. Your surgeon works with you to determine which implant is best for your body. Saline implants are fluid like water and look and feel more natural.

Round implants have pros and cons that you should consider before surgery. The advantages of round implants include the following:

  • Cleavage

Most women who go for cosmetic surgery want to achieve a more prominent cleavage. Round-shaped implants provide you with the fullness and cleavage you want. You do not have to continue wearing push-up bras for cleavage.


Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. The cons of round implants include the following:

  • Higher Capsular Contracture Risks

Capsular contracture is when your body reacts to the implant. This reaction causes disfigurement of the breast shape and a lot of pain. This condition can cause the breast to sit higher on the chest than it should.

  • Higher Risk of Bottoming Out

Bottoming out is when your skin and the surrounding tissues cannot hold the implant. The implant bottoms out or falls under the crease if it lacks enough support. Bottoming out happens if a patient has inadequate skin coverage and natural tissue.

Correct breast implant placement can reduce the chances of bottoming out. Unfortunately, round implants may allow for higher chances of bottoming out.

Pros and Cons of Teardrop Implants

Teardrop breast implants have several pros and cons:


  • Fewer Complications

This type of breast augmentation has fewer complications like capsular contracture, ruptures, leakages, or tears.

  • Maintain Shape

Teardrop implants are silicone and filled with cohesive gel. If they rupture, they do not lose their form. They are also slightly firmer than round implants, taking a natural-looking teardrop shape.


  • Cost

The teardrop implants are silicone, making them more expensive than round implants.

  • Scarring

Teardrop implants tend to leave more scars as their implant incision is larger than round implant surgery.

How to Choose the Best Breast Implant Shape

Choosing the best implant shape depends on your desired result. Different shapes suit different body shapes. Consult with your plastic surgeon to know your type and implant size options.

Implants alone cannot correct sagging breasts. You have to consult a surgeon for the best outcome of your breast augmentation surgery. Implants are an excellent option for those seeking to improve their breast size. The choice is yours if you are looking for a round or more relaxed look.

Your existing breast tissue, shape, and elasticity matter while achieving a natural look. It will help if you get implants, either round or teardrop, that complement your body shape or size.

The general rule of thumb is to choose not too big or not too small implants. The implants may look off if the shape and size do not complement your body.

Best Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Generally, women in excellent physical health are good breast enlargement candidates. If you have any medical conditions, your surgeon must know about them. Candidates for breast implants must understand the rewards and the risks involved.

Generally, the surgery has low stakes, and implants have the approval of the FDA. However, the FDA has age limits for implants. For silicone implants, you must be at least 22 years and at least eighteen years old for saline implants.

Before deciding between round vs teardrop implants, research and consider your age.


Teardrop or round breast implants are prostheses that make breasts bigger. Women get breast implants for various reasons. Some do it for cosmetic purposes, while others for medical reasons. Work closely with an experienced plastic surgeon to decide between teardrop and round breast implants for excellent results.

Book a Consultation With the Best

Dr Tarek Bayazid dedicated his career to providing excellence in various aesthetic and health procedures. He has a patient-focused approach and is committed to being at the forefront. Dr. Bayazid ensures he delivers quality services and that his patients get the best-desired outcomes.

With over 15 years of breast surgery experience and over a decade of operation in Dubai, Dr. Tarek is a proud member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS), and Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC)
 Are you tired of your small breasts and want to look curvier and feel more beautiful? Contact Dr. Tarek for a consultation and request a quote on the best implant.

Frequently Asked Questions

The decision about which is better between silicone and saline breast implants is up to you. Silicone implants are soft and feel like natural breasts. Saline implants feel firmer. If they burst, the body can safely absorb the saline solution.

Most people ask which is better, placing the implant over the muscle or breast tissue. Implant placement over the muscle is easier and heals faster.

Breast augmentation is a safe and low-risk surgery that takes a short recovery time. You can go in for implants and go home the same day. As long as you follow the surgeon’s guidelines, you will be healed within no time. Because of new technologies and techniques, complications like leaks are rare.

You can breastfeed normally after a breast implant procedure. Breast implant surgery does not interfere with the milk-producing ducts.