Rhinoplasty Age Requirement Beware Rhinoplasty Minimum Age

A rhinoplasty procedure requires a fully developed nose to operate on. But at what age does development stop? Read and find out the age of the process. 

What is Rhinoplasty?

What is the minimum procedure for a rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure performed on the nose. The purpose of this procedure is to correct nasal deformities or breathing complications. Typically, results are positive in most cases, helping people improve their appearances and boost their confidence. 

With a procedure like this, operating on a nose that has yet to develop fully can be risky. The shape of the nose is prone to change with time; hence interfering with its natural development might affect its performance. Understanding the age limits is clinical since it determines the rate and period of the healing process of rhinoplasty

What is the Minimum Age Requirement for Rhinoplasty?

The required age for a person to have a rhinoplasty is between 18-40 years. During this period, the patient has a fully developed nose that is not prone to change. These patients also have the emotional strength to deal with the good or bad outcomes of the procedure.

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Before a rhinoplasty, a surgeon ensures that you are of legal age and capable of handling the massive changes. Some of these changes can be devastating for young patients to tolerate. Therefore, emotional preparedness is needed. 

Although, older patients are not safe from the age restrictions. Surgeons urge senior citizens to refrain from rhinoplasty due to their weakening nose cartilage. The weaker the cartilage, the more time it may take to heal from the operation fully. 

This article will address the following for different age groups:

  • What is possible with rhinoplasty?
  • Minimum age for rhinoplasty.
  • What is possible with rhinoplasty?
  • What can rhinoplasty accomplish?
  • Why do older patients seek rhinoplasty?

What is Possible with Rhinoplasty for Different Age Groups?

Rhinoplasty serves two purposes: correcting airway complications and reshaping deformed nose structures. For young people or anyone below 18 years of age, the results may appear quicker alongside a smooth recovery. Rhinoplasty can also be easily done because of their developing noses. 

The older patients can also experience the same benefits if they follow the guidelines provided. Recovery may be relatively slower compared to young people, but there is less risk involved. The risk is minor because their noses have already been developed, therefore they can handle any form of alteration with no potential complications.

Rhinoplasty offers a satisfying way of achieving your desired looks. For people that are below the required age, their results may be a bit different. They may not know what they would like to achieve after the procedure. Hence, being bombarded with regret for a few years. 

What Can Rhinoplasty Accomplish? 

Rhinoplasty aims to take care of the needs of its patients. The procedure fixes several nose-related issues that affect a person’s well-being. Rhinoplasty can accomplish the following issues:

Straightening a Crooked Nose

What can rhinoplasty do to fix the nose? A crooked nose is not pleasing to the eye, whether a congenital disability or accidental. People who have crooked noses can undergo rhinoplasty despite their age. If they qualify for rhinoplasty, they will be operated on. Anyone below 18 years of age can get the procedure but under strict supervision. 

Senior citizens also need care when undergoing rhinoplasty, everything you need to know

Rhinoplasty helps by straightening the nose, giving it a more elegant and attractive look. A deviated septum can also be fixed using rhinoplasty.

Repair Damage Caused by Injury

A person may need rhinoplasty if they sustain an injury to the nose. For young people below 18 years, rhinoplasty can be their saving grace. Although intense care is needed during recovery due to their underdeveloped noses. 

Older patients can also go through rhinoplasty to repair any damage to their noses. However, their age may not give them the satisfaction of a quick recovery. The reason is because their nose cartilage may be tough, or rigid, hence reducing the recovery speed of rhinoplasty.

Altering of the Nasal Tip Appearance

Other people have noses with rounded tips. Such an appearance can be problematic to someone in their teenage years. Teens tend to be self-conscious about their appearance, hence developing the need to change their appearance. Rhinoplasty corrects the shape of the nose, making it less rounded and more pointed. 

People above 60 years of age should be aware of the potential risks involved. Their noses have matured, making them look and feel sturdy. The rigidness could make altering their nasal tip appearance difficult since the noses have not been altered for a long time.

Corrects Birth Defects

Congenital disabilities are natural deformities due to minor complications during pregnancy. These defects include one nose size being more prominent than the other one. Such defects may mentally and emotionally affect a person and their behavior.

For people below the age of 18, it can be challenging to perform rhinoplasty due to their underdeveloped noses. Older age groups, above the age of 60, might also experience complications. The complications arise because of their weakened nose cartilage, which may slow down recovery.

Why Do Older Patients Seek Rhinoplasty?

Older people are also subject to rhinoplasty. For some, having a youthful and vibrant look is all they are after. Others would like to correct some developing issues with their noses. But have these people passed the rhinoplasty age requirements? 

Anyone above the age of 60 years is urged to stay clear of rhinoplasty. Their skin tends to lose elasticity over time, making a recovery hard and lasting longer than usual. Underlying diseases, anesthesia complications, and cardiovascular disorders are among the risks of rhinoplasty. 

Patients with such conditions are advised to stay away from rhinoplasty as it may affect their health and recovery from the procedure. 


Rhinoplasty is performed on individuals between the ages of 18-40 years. Rhinoplasty can be done on anyone, regardless of their age. Reasons can range from resolving nasal deformities to undergoing the procedure for beauty purposes. Teens are getting rhinoplasty to fix their looks and be admirable to their peers. It is highly recommended that a patient waits until the full development of their nose before surgery. These individuals are said to have a fully developed nose and low chances of having any medical complications. Rhinoplasty cost may also depend on the age of the patient.

Dedicated to excellence in health & beauty, Dr.Tarek Bayazid provides a wide selection of today’s most sought-after aesthetic procedures. His patient-focused approach and dedication to the forefront of his expertise have resulted in unsurpassed outcomes for his clients. With 15 years of experience under his belt and certification as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr.Tarek offers the best rhinoplasty surgery in Dubai, boasting ten years as the leading plastic surgeon in the area. 

Book an appointment today and reshape your life. 


Anyone can have a rhinoplasty. Although, it is recommended that a person be at least 18 years to undergo the procedure. A person below that age does not have a fully developed nose.

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, you should ensure that your nose has fully developed. Operating on a developing nose can result in complications and deformities. Interrupting natural development can have dire consequences.

Rhinoplasty provides patients with the possibility of looking attractive and boosting their morale. Fixing crooked noses and reshaping them is possible through rhinoplasty.