Botox What To Do Before And After

Botox is one of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments in Dubai, with thousands of procedures performed yearly. As a neurotoxin that relaxes facial muscles to smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, Botox can produce transformative yet natural-looking results when performed correctly. However, proper precautions before and after your Botox appointments in Dubai are crucial for ensuring optimal, long-lasting outcomes. 

This encompasses the essential ‘Botox What To Do Before And After’ steps. From preparing your skin to understanding expected side effects, it is important that Botox patients in Dubai take proactive measures before and after treatment. This outlines key steps you should take before and after your Dubai Botox treatment for the best results. By following these best practices around your appointment timing, skin care, medication usage, and post-procedure care, you can help maximise and extend the aesthetic benefits of your Botox in Dubai.

Consulting with an Experienced Provider

The first step is consulting with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Make sure your provider carefully evaluates your facial anatomy and goals to come up with a customised treatment plan. Go over your complete medical history and let them know about any medicines or supplements you take. Also, let them know if you have any upcoming big events.

Key Discussion Points

  • Goals – improved frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines
  • Medical history
  • Medications and supplements
  • Timing – avoid close to big events

Choosing Your Provider

Make sure to select a provider who will take the time to understand your facial anatomy and unique goals. An artistic eye and meticulous technique are musts. Natural-looking results should be the top priority over trying to significantly alter facial appearance. Always review before and after photos when possible.

Book A Consultation With Dr Tarek Bayazid

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Botox in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure
  • Get a bundle of free LPG Massage
  • Member of ASPS, ISAPS, EPSS & MAFAC

Stop Certain Medications and Supplements

  • Aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil, ginger – Avoid for 1-2 weeks pre and post-treatment because they can increase bleeding and bruising risk
  • Alcohol – Avoid alcohol close to treatment because it can increase bruising

Stopping these medications ahead of time will help minimise adverse effects.

What to Expect During the Appointment

The actual Botox injection appointment is quick, taking less than 30 minutes. You’ll feel a brief sting from the needle and some mild pressure. But the needles used are tiny, so it is generally pretty comfortable.

Here’s a quick overview of what to expect:

Factor Description
ConsultationThe provider will discuss your goals, medical history, and customise a treatment plan. They will examine your facial muscles and skin to determine the optimal locations for injections.
PreparationThe area to be treated will be cleaned and prepped. Some providers may apply a topical anaesthetic to maximise comfort.
The ProcedureUsing a very fine needle, the provider will inject small amounts of Botox into the desired areas. You may feel a slight pinching or stinging during the 5-10-minute procedure.
Post ProcedureYou will be given aftercare instructions. Some providers may recommend massaging or icing the areas treated. Stay upright for a few hours to prevent the migration of Botox.
Recovery TimeGenerally, no downtime is needed. Sometimes, temporary redness, swelling, or bruising may occur at injection sites. This typically resolves in a few hours or 1-2 days.
ResultsIt can take 2-10 days for the Botox to take full effect. Results can last 3-4 months on average before a maintenance appointment is needed.
Follow-UpsSchedule any necessary follow-up appointments with your provider to maintain your desired aesthetic results.

Many patients combine Botox with other treatments like fillers in the same appointment to enhance results.

Results Timeline

Botox takes 4-5 days to take effect because it takes a few days to start blocking muscle contractions that cause wrinkles.

Here is a general Botox treatment timeline:

Days 1-3No visible changes yetBotox blocks signals from nerves to muscles. It takes 2-3 days for the toxin to start taking effect. Do not rub or massage areas.
Days 3-7Early stages of smoothingYou may see subtle improvements in fine lines. Results are still emerging as Botox continues binding to nerve endings.
1-2 WeeksNoticeable improvementsFull effects become more visible at this point. Deeper lines and wrinkles appear visibly smoother and reduced.
1 MonthPeak resultsBotox results peak around the 1-month mark for most patients. If needed, minor touch-ups can be done at this point.
2-3 MonthsResults are still evident but wearing offMuscle function starts to return, and lines may begin reappearing slowly. Schedule maintenance appointment.
3-4 MonthsBotox wears offResults have faded significantly. Repeat injections can be administered to continue smoothing lines and wrinkles.

Book appointments accordingly. Plan Botox touch-ups around every 3-4 months to maintain results year-round.

Proper Aftercare & Recovery

While you can typically resume normal activities immediately after Botox, follow these aftercare steps:

  • No Manipulation: Avoid massaging or rubbing treated areas for 24 hours after
  • Sleeping Position: Sleep face up and slightly elevated for the first night
  • Exercise: Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours
  • Cosmetics: Apply gently to treated areas for the first 24 hours

Stay upright for a few hours and avoid manipulating treated muscles by limiting exaggerated facial expressions. This will limit the migration of Botox to other areas. If you experience discomfort, use Tylenol rather than aspirin/NSAIDs.

In conclusion, understanding ‘Botox What To Do Before And After’ is crucial for anyone undergoing this treatment. Adhering to pre and post-procedure guidelines ensures not only the effectiveness of Botox but also the longevity and safety of its results, enhancing the overall cosmetic experience.

This overview of what to do before and after Botox helps guide your cosmetic journey. The key is having realistic expectations and selecting an expert injector. For personalised treatment from an artistic eye, contact renowned facial rejuvenation specialist Dr. Tarek Bayazid today to book consultation. Achieve natural-looking results in caring, capable hands.


Botox injections involve tiny needles, similar to annual flu shots. A very brief stinging sensation may be felt during injections. However, the procedure is short and generally comfortable.

Botox takes 4-5 days to take effect. Results peak at around day 10. Results typically last 3-4 months. Book follow-up appointments accordingly.

When performed by an inexperienced provider, too much Botox can overwhelm facial anatomy. This leads to a frozen look. However, an expert provider will customise your injections to balance muscle relaxation and facial animation.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have certain neurological disorders, you may not be a good candidate. Discuss your medical history in depth with your provider at your consultation appointment.

FDA-approved areas include frown lines, forehead creases, and crow’s feet. Off-label areas like the nose (bunny lines), chin, neck bands, and lips can also be treated carefully.