Breast Augmentation Revision: When And Why You Might Need It

Breast Augmentation Revision: When and Why You Might Need It

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How To Choose The Perfect Breast Implant Size: Advice From Expert Plastic Surgeons

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Your Body, Your Choice: Why Breast Augmentation Is Worth Considering

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Breast Augmentation for Breast Cancer Survivors: How It Can Improve Quality of Life

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Breast Augmentation

You can learn about Breast Augmentation in Dubai in this category with Dr Tarek, our top plastic surgeon. Dr. Tarek Bayazid, a distinguished figure in the realm of aesthetic plastic surgery, is celebrated for his membership in the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and the Serbian Medical Chamber. Licensed to practice in both Serbia and Dubai, he is a regular participant in the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC). Dr Bayazid is especially renowned for his pioneering ‘composite deep plane facelift’ technique, which is lauded for its minimal invasiveness and natural, safe outcomes. Attracting clients from across the globe, his work is noted for its understated yet effective enhancement of natural beauty.

Breast augmentation, commonly referred to as a ‘boob job’, is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. It involves the placement of breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. This procedure is sought for various reasons, including improving self-image and confidence, restoring breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy, achieving a more rounded breast shape or improving natural breast size asymmetry.

There are different types of breast implants used in augmentation. Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel and are known for their natural feel. Saline implants, on the other hand, are filled with sterile salt water and provide a uniform shape, firmness, and feel. The choice of implant type, size, and shape depends on the patient’s body type, desired increase in size, and surgeon’s recommendation.

The procedure of breast augmentation is typically performed under general anaesthesia. Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. These can be made under the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit. The chosen breast implant is then inserted into a pocket either under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue. The incisions are closed with layered sutures in the breast tissue and with sutures, skin adhesive, or surgical tape to close the skin.

The recovery process varies per individual but generally involves rest and avoiding strenuous activities for several weeks. Pain and swelling after the surgery are common but gradually subside. Surgeons usually provide specific post-operative care instructions, which are crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results.

It’s essential for those considering breast augmentation to have realistic expectations and understand that the procedure can enhance appearance but might not perfectly match an ideal image. A thorough consultation with a certified plastic surgeon is vital to discuss goals, risks, and benefits. Potential risks include implant leakage or rupture, changes in nipple or breast sensation, and scarring.

Breast augmentation is not a one-time surgery. Implants may need to be replaced after a number of years. Hence, it is a long-term commitment and requires considerations about future surgeries and the potential need for breast implant removal.

Breast augmentation in Dubai is a significant decision that should be made after careful consideration and thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. While the results can be empowering and confidence-boosting, it is crucial to understand the implications, risks, and care required post-surgery. With advancements in medical technology, breast augmentation continues to be a popular and generally safe choice for those looking to enhance their breast appearance.

Take the first step towards your dream look with Dr. Tarek. Book your consultation now and let his expertise guide you in achieving the confidence you deserve. Don’t wait – embrace a new you today!