Why You Should Consider Getting An Eyelid Surgery

Why You Should Consider Getting an Eyelid Surgery

Having heavy eyelids lowers your confidence. But is eyelid surgery good for you? Getting eyelid surgery in Dubai will help boost your self-esteem. What is an Eyelid Surgery? Eyelid surgery is a procedure that helps to improve the appearance of your eyelids. The surgical procedure helps rectify eye issues, including deformities and disfigurations of your…

Eyelid Surgery

In this category, Explore the realm of eyelid surgery with the guidance of Dr Tarek Bayazid, our distinguished plastic surgeon. Dr Bayazid is a notable figure in aesthetic plastic surgery. He is celebrated for his membership in the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and his role in the Serbian Medical Chamber. Licensed in Serbia and Dubai, he actively contributes to the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC). His fame is primarily attributed to his innovative ‘composite deep plane facelift’ technique, acclaimed for its minimal invasiveness and consistently natural, safe outcomes. Attracting a global clientele, Dr Bayazid’s practice is revered for its skill in subtly yet effectively enhancing natural beauty.

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of the eyelids. It can be performed on the upper, lower, or both. This surgery is popular among those seeking to address ageing signs, remove puffiness or bags under the eyes, eliminate droopy eyelids, and improve vision obstructed by sagging skin.

The procedure begins with a consultation where the surgeon assesses the patient’s facial structure, skin quality, and overall health. The goal is to ensure that the surgery meets the patient’s expectations and is safe based on their medical history. Anaesthesia options, typically local or general, are discussed to provide comfort during the procedure.

During upper eyelid surgery, incisions are made in the eyelid’s natural crease to remove excess skin, fat, and sometimes muscle. For the lower eyelid, the incision is made just below the lash line or inside the eyelid. This approach allows excess fat, skin, and muscle removal or redistribution. The incisions are then closed with fine sutures to minimise scarring.

Recovery time varies but generally involves swelling and bruising for up to two weeks. Patients should keep their heads elevated and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. Pain is usually manageable with prescribed medications. Most people can return to normal activities within a week or two, but strenuous activities should be avoided for at least a month.

Risks associated with eyelid surgery include infection, dry eyes, temporary blurred vision, and slight asymmetry in healing or scarring. Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in eyelid surgeries can significantly reduce these risks.

The results of eyelid surgery are often long-lasting, giving a more youthful and rested appearance. It can also improve peripheral vision for those whose sagging upper eyelids obstruct their vision. While this surgery can significantly enhance appearance and self-confidence, it’s essential to have realistic expectations and understand that it won’t alter your fundamental appearance.

Begin your transformation with a personal touch. Book a consultation with Dr Tarek and take the first step towards achieving your ideal aesthetic. Your journey to enhanced beauty starts here.