Revision Rhinoplasty

According to most plastic surgeons, revision rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging procedures. The nose is a complex structure that requires exceptional skills to operate on and maintain its functionality. Revision rhinoplasty involves the repair of deformities caused by a previous procedure while strengthening the capabilities of the nasal system.

Revision rhinoplasty is usually meant for people who have undergone the procedure at least once and would like to add further changes. But what if a patient is unsatisfied with the results of the first procedure? Which option will they have? The best choice they can opt for is revision rhinoplasty. 

What is a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty involves restructuring a patient’s nose who was unsatisfied with the results of the first procedure. A person can undergo rhinoplasty more than once if they fail to achieve their desire. 

There are several reasons why people would go for a revision. For some, the contour of the nose might be off; others might be due to an imbalance in nose size. It is essential to keep in mind that these procedures are not a guaranteed way of completely fixing your medical issues. 

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Revision rhinoplasty performed poorly may result in cosmetic and functional failure. Although, the losses are not only due to the surgeon. There is a slight risk that the cartilage may shift back to its original position before rhinoplasty. Visiting a qualified and board-certified surgeon, like Dr. Tarek, is a sure way of avoiding such risks. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Tarek has helped hundreds of patients lose their excess fat.

Am I a Good Candidate for Revision Rhinoplasty?

To qualify for a revision rhinoplasty, a person must meet specific criteria. The following are some of the requirements:

  • A nose that is too small or too large
  • An unusually shaped nose
  • Hook-liked noses that need to be straightened
  • Noses whose symmetry is unequal
  • Noses with irregularities in their contours.

Benefits of Revision Rhinoplasty

Patients should consider the benefits and risks involved revision rhinoplasty. 

People have procedures for reasons like facial structure, nose shape, etc. However, for a revision, the benefits that were not seen after the first procedure may be seen afterward. 

Nasal Structure Correction

Despite its simple look, the nose is one of the most complex organs. A rhinoplasty tends to fix noses whose structure has been lost. If the procedure fails to achieve the objective, the patient may undergo revision rhinoplasty to resolve the issue.

Previous operations may also affect the shape and functionality of the nose. Constantly moving the cartilage is bound to be deformed. Other possible medical complications may cause a need for a revision rhinoplasty as well.

Correcting the Naval Function

A good-looking nose is pointless if it does not function properly. The first procedure may have fixed the nose’s appearance but tampered with the functionality. Fortunately, the patient can get a revision rhinoplasty to resolve the issue. 

Damaging the nose’s abilities can be hazardous to a person’s health. A safe rhinoplasty procedure should be observed to prevent any complications. 

Physical Appearance Improvement

One of the reasons people opt for rhinoplasty is to enhance their overall appearance. Not attaining the look that you had imagined can be heartbreaking. Leaving a procedure looking worse than before the surgery can affect your confidence.

The procedure corrects any nose deformity, giving it a refreshing look and a better appearance. 

Boost of Confidence

Reverse rhinoplasty helps in raising the confidence of its patients. When a person is unsatisfied with how their nose looks after the surgery. , their self-esteem significantly drops, especially if they thought their first procedure would fix their medical issues. 

Learn more about Everything you need to know about non-surgical rhinoplasty.

With revision rhinoplasty, the surgeon restructures the deformed nasal structures and matches it with the patient’s desires. Once a procedure is booming and a patient is satisfied with the results, their confidence is boosted, and they are happier. 

Damage Prevention

There is always a risk when it comes to undergoing rhinoplasty. As earlier mentioned, it is not a guaranteed way of achieving perfect results. Anything could happen during or after the procedure that might damage the new nose structure.

If damage is detected after rhinoplasty, a patient is recommended to get a revision rhinoplasty to help fix the messed-up areas. Visiting an experienced and qualified surgeon like Dr. Tarek will reslove the damage.

How to Prepare for a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Before proceeding with any medical procedure, both the patient and the surgeon must understand what they want in the end. They must share clear goals and expectations based on the process. 

The surgeon must ask further questions about the procedure to understand what to do clearly. Questions include whether the patient wants a raised tip or to move the nostrils inside.

Surgeons will also ask about your medical history, previous sickness or injuries, medications, or breathing disorders in the family. Finally, the surgeon will examine the nose and sinuses to check if it is suitable enough for revision rhinoplasty. 

What to Expect During Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is more or less the same as a regular rhinoplasty. A small cut is made across the tissue separating the nostrils. The indentation gives the surgeon a better look at the structures inside.

General anesthesia is used since an incision is required for the procedure. The procedure usually takes about two hours to complete, giving the patient enough recovery time. Most patients are allowed to head shortly after the process. 

Revision Rhinoplasty Post-Operative Care

Taking care of your nose is essential during recovery. Although, light procedures have no threat of developing any complications. For intense physical activities, on the other hand, getting enough rest is necessary for a full recovery.

Following the surgeon’s instructions will also aid in a smooth recovery without complications. Usually, a patient may start to be active a week after the procedure. But it is highly recommended for a person to wait for four weeks until partaking in other physical activities. Swelling may occur for about a week before subsiding.


Revision rhinoplasty in Dubai has helped many individuals correct their previous mistakes while boosting their confidence. With safe measures set in place to achieve maximum results, this procedure offers a second chance to patients who have already lost hope. 

Proper preparation before and after the procedure helps handle any possible complications that may arise afterwards. 


The procedure is appropriate when you have an issue with your previous rhinoplasty. A non-symmetric nose is a good example.

A week after the procedure is enough to do some light work. But for the best result, a month is the ideal timeline.

It entirely depends on the kind of  revision rhinoplasty procedure you want to do. The more complex, the more costly it will be.

Having one procedure only satisfies the patient partially. For the best result, revision rhinoplasty is recommended more than once.

You easily can. People may also get more than two procedures if they maintain good care of their nose and health.