Breast augmentation is a life-changing procedure. It requires one to invest funds, time, and energy, to get the bust of their dreams. All in all, it is a worthy investment, as it comes with several benefits. You gain confidence, self-image, and self-esteem boost. Most results are also permanent. However, this could differ as there are different forms of breast augmentation. If you are considering getting a breast augmentation, understanding the long-term results will help you decide. 

How Long do Implants Last

Implants do not have an expiry date. However, they do not have a lifetime guarantee. Saline and silicone implants last about 10-20 years.  Only 20% of people who get implants have them removed or replaced after 8-10 years. The risk of rupture and complications increases by one percent each year. With older implants, the chances of complications increase. 

People have different bodies, which also affects your implants’ longevity. How well you take care of your implants also matters. It’s great that you do not need to worry about autoimmune or systemic diseases. Scientific research by several groups of medical practitioners has not found a connection between such ailments and breast implants.

Maintenance Tips

Good maintenance increases your implant’s lifetime. Here are some practices you could adopt;

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Early Support

The weight of your breasts increases when you add implants. This causes extra stress and strain if you do not have the necessary support. As soon as you get the breast augmentation, throw away all your old bras, and start afresh. 

You can get measured again to find a cup size that fits you well. Pick bras with thick and wide straps and a strong structure for the best support. If you engage in high-impact activities like exercise, choose a sports bra that gives you the necessary athletic support. Getting the right support is an investment, so do not skimp on quality to save money.

Healthy Living

Living an unhealthy lifestyle counters all your efforts to maintain your breast augmentation. You should incorporate movement and healthy eating as a lifestyle. Exercise keeps your body in the best shape. Other habits such as taking supplements, vitamins, and hydrating keep your skin elastic and supple. This prevents sagging.

If you get pregnant after a weight loss procedure, the changes in your body could affect your breast augmentation results. Your skin may sag after you lose the baby weight. A breast lift may restore your initial appearance and shape. 

Regular Mammograms

Whether you have implants or not, mammograms are essential for every woman. If you have implants, you may need a special mammogram. Therefore, ensure you inform your technician before your appointment so that they can take additional images. Mammograms will help you take note of problems before they escalate to serious concerns.

Signs you may Need Removal

It would help to know what issues you need to look out for on your breast augmentation journey. Some of the complications that suggest you need a replacement or removal are;


This is capsular contracture when the scar tissue hardens around the implant. It may cause tenderness, pain, and tightness around the breast area.


A tear or hole in the implant’s shell may cause it to rupture. The implant will deflate, and the saline will leak out. Your body may absorb the liquid. Depending on the size of the hole, the liquid may take time to leak to a noticeable level. After some time, you will notice a change in size and shape. 

If you have silicone implants, a rupture may be harder to notice. Silicone is thicker. Thus, the gel tends to stay in the implant or surrounding tissue. Therefore, a silicone rupture is a silent  one. You may experience changes such as swelling, change in sensation, and hard knots. 


This refers to when your implants develop wrinkles. When you touch your breasts, you can feel the change. You can also see them through the skin. If this happens, it’s time to change or remove your implants.

Shifting in Position

As you grow older, your breasts will sag. Weight gain and loss also play a part in stretching the skin. The direction your nipples face may also change with time. You can fix this with a replacement procedure or a breast lift. You can restore your breasts to their previous glory.

Treatment Options

After a long period, or when you start experiencing complications, you may need to consider an implant removal. You do not have to return to the doctor who did your breast augmentation. It’s okay if you choose a different doctor. They will examine the state of your implants and discuss the options with you. 

Your surgeon may recommend the following;

  • Removing the hard tissue
  • Implant removal
  • Implant replacement
  • A breast lift

They may need to combine procedures. For example, your doctor may recommend an implant replacement and breast lift together. This takes care of other problems, such as sagging.

Improving Longevity

The most common reason for implant removal is dissatisfaction with the size. Your tastes and preferences may change over time. So, the best thing is to choose a size you will be happy about in twenty years. 

Another cause for removal is medical complications. To ensure your breast augmentation lasts for a long, you can;

  • Pick a qualified and reputable surgeon
  • Follow all after-care instructions
  • Get frequent mammograms to check on the state of your implants
  • Regular MRIs. According to the FDA, getting an MRI 5-6 years after your first surgery is best. After that, every 2-3 years is okay.


Your doctor determines how long your implants will last. A good doctor will give you the best advice regardingsize and shape before you get the procedure. This way, you do not end up with breasts that you do not like after a few years.

 A good doctor will also give you the best advice on post-surgery care. They will teach you how best to care for your body and breast implants. This guarantees your breast augmentation longevity. Request a quote from Dr. Tarke Bayazid, a skilled plastic surgeon, for long-lasting results.