What is the difference between breast augmentation and implants? What are the types of breast implants? What are the types of breast augmentation? Read on to be informed.

Breast augmentation is a common practice sought after by many women today. Technology has advanced enough to make the procedure safe and painless. It is essential to distinguish between breast augmentation and implants. This information will help you decide whether breast augmentation suits your expectations. 

Keep reading to learn more about breast augmentation and implants.

What is the difference between breast augmentation and implants?

Breast augmentation is the surgery where a surgeon inserts implants in breast pockets inside the chest. The procedure takes up to three hours, and patients can leave the hospital on the same day. The surgery results are fuller, rounder breasts that are symmetrical and perfectly contoured. 

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Breast implants are the tools used in breast augmentation. They are pockets of either silicone or saline enclosed in a silicone casing. Many cup sizes and shapes are available to suit every woman’s requirements. They are body-safe and rarely cause adverse allergic reactions. 

Types of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery exists in two types differentiated by the placement of implants. These types are:

Over the chest breast augmentation

Over-the-chest augmentation is also called subglandular augmentation. The procedure involves inserting breast implants on top of the chest muscle. It is a more straightforward procedure because the chest muscle is not compromised. 

This type of augmentation has the following benefits:

  • Less discomfort. Since the chest muscle is left intact, you will experience less pain during recovery.
  • Recovery is shorter. There are no incisions on the chest muscle to heal. 
  • You can have bigger implants. The elastic skin and breast tissue can accommodate more significant implant sizes. 
  • There is no loss of muscle strength after surgery. 
  • Flexing the chest muscle does not cause implant distortion. Since the implants lie under the breast tissue, the chest muscles’ movement does not affect them. They will not limit the extent of your chest workout routines.

The procedure also has the following disadvantages:

  • It requires plenty of breast tissue. You should have sufficient breast tissue to place the implants under for natural results. 
  • Rippling of implants is more visible. Any folds on the implants are very apparent and require augmentation revision to correct. 
  • Breast implants can get in the way of viewing breast tissue during a mammogram.
  • The results can look unnatural.

Under the chest breast augmentation

Under-the-chest augmentation is also called submuscular augmentation. Your surgeon inserts implants underneath the pectoral muscle. The surgery is a little more complicated because the surgeon has to make incisions on the muscles and lift them to accommodate the implants. 

Submuscular augmentation has the following advantages:

  • Folds and wrinkles in the implants are less visible.
  • Breast implants look more natural. 
  • The implants have more support. The chest muscle holds the implants in place better than over the muscle augmentation. This support means there is less chance of the implants shifting in position. 
  • A doctor can see breast tissue better during mammograms. The breast tissues are not obstructed by implants that often make it hard to view in mammograms. 

This type of augmentation has the following disadvantages:

  • Recovery time is longer and more uncomfortable. Healing has to take place on the skin and the muscle. 
  • Flexing the chest muscle can distort the implants. 
  • After surgery, you will temporarily lose strength in your chest muscles. Your muscles will feel tight, and your surgeon will recommend you don’t flex them too much.
  • The size of the implants is limited. The chest muscles cannot stretch past a specific limit. Your surgeon has to consider your muscle’s elasticity to recommend implant sizes. 

Types of implants used in breast augmentation?

Breast implants come in two types. Both types can either be smooth or textured, depending on your preference. Knowing which breast implants are right for you is essential. 

Saline implants

Saline implants are silicone shells filled with sterile salt water. The surgeon inserts the shell while empty and then fills it with salt water afterward. Because of this, the surgeon has greater control over the size of the implants. When saline implants rupture, they flatten quickly, and the shell has to be removed through an augmentation revision. 

Silicone gel implants 

Silicone implants are silicone exterior casings filled with silicone gel. They are sold with the silicone gel already filled in many sizes and shapes to suit your personalized needs. In case of rupture, it is difficult to detect because the gel can stay inside the silicone casing. Nevertheless, you would need an augmentation revision to replace it. These implants mimic breast tissue the most and look more natural. 


This article will prove essential in your research if you’re considering breast augmentation. Your surgeon will consider your body to recommend suitable implant and augmentation types. They will take you through proper breast augmentation aftercare. Dr. Tarek has curated a breast augmentation gallery to help you visualize what the procedure can do for you. 

Book a consultation today to get a quote for breast augmentation. Dr.Tarek Bayazid is a member of the most prestigious Plastic Surgery Societies worldwide: the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS), and the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course (MAFAC)

Frequently asked questions

Today’s implants are designed to last a long time. It was a common practice to replace breast implants after ten years. Nowadays, implant replacement is unnecessary unless there is a complication.

It is possible to augment your breasts without implants. Fat is used instead in a process called autologous breast augmentation. Fat is transferred from another region in the body, like the hips and buttocks, and added to the breasts. It is a delicate procedure that accounts for the fat’s ability to integrate with the new region.

Maintenance for breast implants is minimal. All you have to do is adhere to the self-testing techniques shown by your surgeon. You should also make annual checkup visits for testing to detect early signs of rupture and other complications.